Faction Table

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Revision as of 07:56, 17 February 2025 by AggieDan (talk | contribs)
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Faction Races Alignments Classes Unique Class(es) Capital Allies
Ancient Ones Any except dwarves and gnomes Any Cleric (any domain except Earth, Plant, Water and Trickery) All other classes that aren't exclusive to other factions except Shadowdancer, and Paladin Red Dragon Disciple Sleeth Ragnar's Kin
Mystral Ascendancy Any non-Good Any non-Good Wizard, Sorcerer, Rogue, Bard, Fighter, Cleric (Death, Evil, Knowledge, Magic, Travel, Trickery, Destruction and War Domains), and all non-good prestige classes that aren't exclusive to other factions Pale Master Garagoth Shadow Legion
Northern Coalition Any non-Evil Lawful Good, Lawful Neutral, or Neutral Good Cleric(any domain except Evil), Paladin, Monk, Fighter, Bard, Ranger, all non-evil prestige classes that aren't exclusive to other factions Champion of Torm and Purple Dragon Knight Daeron The Circle
Ragnar's Kin Dwarf, Gnome Any Any except Arcane Archer, Cleric (All Domains except Plant, Air and Sun), and prestige classes that are exclusive to other factions Dwarven Defender Dwarven Stronghold Ancient Ones
Shadow Legion Any non-Good Evil Cleric (All Domains except Good, Plant, Air, Fire, and Sun), All other classes except for Druid, Ranger, Paladin, Harper Scout, and prestige classes that are exclusive to other factions Assassin Menzoduran Mystral Ascendancy
The Circle Any non-Evil Lawful Neutral, Neutral Good, Neutral, Chaotic Neutral, Chaotic Good Druid, Ranger, Barbarian, Rogue, Bard, Cleric (Air, Earth, Fire, Water, Healing, Protection, Sun, Destruction, Travel, Animal, and Plant Domains), Fighter, Monk, all non-evil prestige classes that aren't exclusive to other factions, and Hippy Shifter Melencia Northern Coalition

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