Difference between revisions of "Dragon Knight"

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Line 224: Line 224:
'''Elemental Immunity:''' Fire 50%<br>
'''Elemental Immunity:''' Fire 50%<br>
'''Elemental Immunity:''' Electricity 100%<br>
'''Elemental Immunity:''' Electricity 100%<br>
'''Immunity:''' Fear<br>
'''Immunity:''' Mind Spells<br>
'''Immunity:''' Paralysis<br>
'''Immunity:''' Paralysis<br>
'''Immunity:''' Poison<br>
'''Immunity:''' Poison<br>

Revision as of 08:41, 2 November 2023

Type of Feat: General

Prerequisite: Epic Cleric/Druid/Pale Master/Sorcerer/Wizard, Spellcraft 22, Cast 9th level spells

Required for: None

Specifics: Casts the Dragon Knight spell 1x per day (see below).

Use: Cast

Caster Level: 10
Innate Level: 10
School: Conjuration
Components: V,S
Range: Short
Save: None
Spell Resistance: None
Area of Effect: Point
Duration: 1 turn/level
Additional Counterspells: None
Description: Summons a Planar creature. Solar, Slaad, or Balor, depending on the caster's alignment.

All Dragon Knight summons receive the following bonuses:

Note: Unlike other planar summons, the Dragon Knight summons do not get bonuses from Good or Evil Domain.

See the Summons Guide for more information.

Dragon Knight Summons

  • All summon stats are listed without bonuses from spell focus feats, domains, caster race, or caster level.
  • Use these stats as a base and use the above summon bonus guide to find final stats of your summon.
  • The stats are considered "naked" stats in that they are listed without any bonuses that count towards any caps except for the summons' weapon enchantment bonuses.


  • Available to good-aligned casters.


Str: 40
Dex: 23
Con: 20
Int: 20
Wis: 25
Cha: 27


HP: 540
Level: Outsider (25)

AC: 42

Main Weapon: +5 Solar Greatsword
Attack Bonus:44/39/34/29
Damage: 2d6 + 24 + 1d10 Electrical + 2d10 Slashing (17-20/x2)

Armor: +3 Fullplate
Armor Check Penalty: -8
Arcane Spell Failure: 45%

Fortitude: 21
Reflex: 20
Will: 21

Base Attack: 23
Size: Medium
Spell Resistance: 32
Alignment: Neutral Good
Race: Outsider

Damage Resistance: Piercing 5/-
Damage Resistance: Bludgeoning 5/-
Damage Resistance: Slashing 5/-
Damage Immunity: Slashing 35%
Elemental Immunity: Fire 65%
Elemental Immunity: Electrical 100%
Immunity: Fear
Immunity: Mind Spells
Immunity: Paralysis
Immunity: Poison


*Irrelevant armor and weapon feats not listed
Automatic Quicken Spell III
Great Fortitude
Healing Domain Powers
Improved Critical (greatsword)
Keen Sense
Monster Uncanny Reflex
Overwhelming Critical (greatsword) Toughness
Weapon Focus (greatsword)
Weapon Proficiency (martial)
Weapon Specialization (greatsword)


Concentration: 55
Discipline: 50
Listen: 39
Lore: 35
Search: 35
Spellcraft: 40
Spot: 59


Heal 1x/day

Death Slaad

  • Available to neutral-aligned casters.


Str: 38
Dex: 24
Con: 28
Int: 20
Wis: 22
Cha: 22


HP: 550
Level: Outsider (25)

AC: 32

Main Weapon: Unarmed
Attack Bonus*: 40/35/30/25 or 41/36/31/26
*Enchantment bonuses on the slaad's natural weapons varies
Attack 1: Enchantment Bonus +4; 3d6 + 4 + 14 Piercing/Slashing + 1d8 fire (19-20/x2)
Attack 2: Enchantment Bonus +4; 3d6 + 4 + 14 Piercing/Slashing + 1d8 fire (19-20/x2)
Attack 3: Enchantment Bonus +5; 3d10 + 5 + 14 Slashing (19-20/x2)

Armor: None

Fortitude: 23
Reflex: 21
Will: 20

Base Attack: 23
Size: Large
Spell Resistance: 30
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Race: Outsider

Regeneration: +5
Damage Resistance: Bludgeoning 5/-
Damage Resistance: Piercing 5/-
Damage Resistance: Slashing 5/-
Elemental Immunity: Acid 25%
Elemental Immunity: Cold 25%
Elemental Immunity: Electrical 25%
Elemental Immunity: Fire 25%
Elemental Immunity: Sonic 25%
Immunity: Disease
Immunity: Fear
Immunity: Knockdown
Immunity: Negative Level
Immunity: Ability Decrese
Immunity: Mind Spells
Immunity: Poison


Improved Critical (unarmed strike)
Keen Sense
Weapon Proficiency (creature)


Concentration: 59
Discipline: 49
Hide: 16
Listen: 31
Move Silently: 27
Spellcraft: 28
Spot: 58


Mestil's Acid Sheath 2x/day
Horrid Wilting 1x/day
Call Lightning 1x/day
Greater Dispelling 2x/day


  • Available to evil-aligned casters.


Str: 40
Dex: 22
Con: 22
Int: 19
Wis: 20
Cha: 26


HP: 540
Level: Outsider (25)

AC: 35

Main Weapon: +5 Keen Balor Greatsword
Attack Bonus: 44/39/34/29
Damage: 2d6 + 2d8 + 21 Slashing (17-20/x2)

Armor: None

Fortitude: 20
Reflex: 20
Will: 19

Base Attack: 23
Size: Large
Spell Resistance: 32
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Race: Outsider

Damage Resistance: Piercing 5/-
Damage Resistance: Slashing 5/-
Damage Resistance: Bludgeoning 5/-
Elemental Immunity: Slashing 25%
Elemental Immunity: Fire 50%
Elemental Immunity: Electricity 100%
Immunity: Paralysis
Immunity: Poison


Automatic Quicken Spell III
Epic Weapon Focus (greatsword)
Epic Weapon Specialization (greatsword)
Healing Domain Powers
Keen Sense
Monster Uncanny Reflex
Weapon Focus (greatsword)
Weapon Proficiency (creature)
Weapon Proficiency (martial)
Weapon Specialization (greatsword)


Concentration: 56
Discipline: 50
Listen: 33
Move Silently: 31
Search: 28
Spellcraft: 29
Spot: 57


Greater Restore 1x/day
Heal 1x/day