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Revision as of 18:23, 5 July 2020 by MrAsimov (talk | contribs)
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Long ago, mind flayers conquered the strongholds of clan Duergar. After generations of enslavement and cruel experimentation at the hands of the illithids, the Duergar rose against their masters and regained their freedom. They emerged as a new subrace of Dwarf with limited mental powers. They are an evil and bitter race, but retain the superior skill and workmanship of Dwarvenkind.

Note: Duergar is a Subrace of Dwarves. To choose it you must pick Dwarf at creation and choose Duergar at first login.

Choosing the Dwarf race will include Dwarf adjustments already, therefore your stats will be adjusted from those selected at character creation as follows:

-2 Charisma

Character Creation Notes:

  • Unavailable in the Ancient Ones due to racial restrictions.
  • Cannot be used to make Arcane Archers in the available factions due to racial restrictions.