Plains of Angmar
A vast stretch of arid plains in the west of Aetheria, from the sea to the western terminus of the Ash Mountains. The Plains of Angmar are largely lonely and uninhabited, with Garagoth as the only significant settlement in the area. There is a small inn near the Grey Shores, no doubt for travelers who are about to sail or who have just arrived at the port. The Plains of Angmar are claimed by the Mystral Ascendancy as part of their territory. The plains are patrolled by Tiefling guards from Garagoth and are home to the cannabalistic Pigmies. The plains are also infested with rats, beetles, stirges and vampire bats. Krenshars hunt throughout the Plains, while large felines patrol the eastern edge. In the southeast, the plains eventually give way to the Wastes of Angmar and formians often wander into the fringes of the Plains from the desert.
Average Challenge Rating: 3.29
Areas Contained: 5
Bordering Areas: 6
- Angmar Road x1
- Garagoth Road x1
- Grey Shores x1
- Sea Caves x2
- Wastes of Angmar x1
Total Creatures: 31
- Air Mephit
- Black Bear
- Brown Bear
- Corrosive Beetle
- Cougar
- Dire Rat
- Dretch Demon
- Dust Mephit
- Earth Mephit
- Fire Beetle
- Fire Mephit
- Imp
- Jaguar
- Krenshar
- Leopard
- Lion
- Magma Mephit
- Pigmy Cooker
- Pigmy Pointer
- Pigmy Slicer
- Rat
- Salt Mephit
- Spitting Fire Beetle
- Steam Mephit
- Stink Beetle
- Stirge
- Tiefling Rogue
- Tiefling Sorcerer
- Vampire Bat
- Water Mephit
- Wererat
Uploaded Maps:
- North >> Plains of Angmar [2] >> South
- East >> Plains of Angmar [3] >> West
- South >> Garagoth Road [4] >> North
- North >> Plains of Angmar [6] >> South
- East >> Plains of Angmar [7] >> West
- South >> Plains of Angmar [8] >> North
- West >> Grey Shores [9] >> East
- North >> Sea Caves [11] >> South
- South >> Plains of Angmar [12] >> North
- North >> Plains of Angmar [14] >> South
- East >> Wastes of Angmar [15] >> West
- South-West >> Sea Caves [16] >> North
- West >> Plains of Angmar [17] >> East
- East >> Angmar Road [19] >> West
- South >> Plains of Angmar [20] >> North
- West >> Plains of Angmar [21] >> East