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Exterminator: The exterminator is the second lowest class in the city of Sleeth. The only thing below an exterminator are Slaves. Exterminators themselves are followers new to the city, who are given the job of clearing the great city of its enormous rat population.

Level 1

  • You are a follower under the strict rule of the dragons. Upon your arrival to Sleeth, you have been enlisted as an exterminator. You must work your way through tireless efforts of trying to exterminate the population of Rats and Rabid Chickens, and rise in rank in hopes of earning a place of respect.
  • Bonuses - You receive a +1 to your Attack Bonus and Damage vs. Vermin upon being enlisted as an exterminator.

Level 2

  • You have chosen to continue as an exterminator instead of attending dragons, and will continue to reduce the rat population. You will continue your duties in the same Sleeth Districts. You are more proficient at killing vermin, but this does not earn you any more rank.
  • Bonuses - You receive an additonal +1 to your Attack Bonus and Damage vs. Vermin, and an additional +1 AC vs. Vermin upon advancing to a level 2 Exterminator.

Level 3

  • You are now professional exterminator, but this does not earn you any respect among the dragonkin. Now you have been given the job of clearing the center of the infestation in the Sleeth Sewers, and killing the Rat Mother.
  • Bonuses - You receive an additional +1 to your Attack Bonus, Damage, and AC vs. Vermin. Also you gain a +2 bonus on Saving Throws vs. Disease upon advancing to a level 3 Exterminator.

Level 4

  • You have become the ultimate exterminator, and are known among the dragonkin as "The Follower Who Can Do the Jobs We Won't Waste Our Time Doing." It's not much, but it's a start. No more clearing sewers and killing rats (unless you like to for no apparent reason), and now its time to be doing more important things, like serving dragons directly.
  • Bonuses - You gain the ability to craft a poison grenade once per day upon advancing to a Master Exterminator. This grenade deals acid damage, and is treated as a throwing weapon like an acid flask.

Completing this Job gives passive bonuses of +2 Discipline, +4 Taunt, and +1 strength as well as the Asgorath's Blessing token

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