Crafted Tailored Cloak

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Revision as of 03:14, 5 January 2021 by MrAsimov (talk | contribs)
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Crafted Tailored Cloak (Tailoring Crafting)

Description Cloaks are simple cloth garments used to protect the wearer from bad weather and other hazards of the open road.
Required Level: 1
Base Item: Cloak
Weight: 3.0

Special Abilities

Enhancement Bonus: Charisma +1
Skill Bonus: Perform +1
Skill Bonus: Taunt +1

Tailor Level: Apprentice
Gold Cost to Craft: 360 gold
EXP Cost to Craft: 180 exp

Crafted Tailored Cloak (Leather Crafting)

Required Level: 1
Base Item: Cloak
Weight: 3.0

Special Abilities

Improved Saving Throws: Fire +1
Improved Saving Throws: Cold +1

Leather Level: Apprentice