Areas by Challenge Rating

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Revision as of 23:02, 25 December 2020 by Frogofpeace (talk | contribs)
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Challenge Rating (CR) is used on NS4 to determine experience points awarded for killing a particular creature, and is an indicator of creature difficulty. Killing creatures of higher CR will award more XP. Killing creatures of lower CR than your character level will award proportionately lower XP, down to no XP award for much lower level creatures.

The CR level range of area also roughly indicates the intended level for parties adventuring in the area. Note that bosses have CR ratings higher than the overall average, in most cases 2-4 levels. Bosses in high level areas routinely have CR >40, but are still killable by appropriate parties and/or PC's.

Locations of non-planar areas can be discerned on the Maps page.

Area Avg CR Min Max
Icy Flats 7 6 9
Bandit Headquarters 8 4 11
Haddon Mirk 10 7 12
Catacombs 13 6 16
Haddon Mirk: Crypt 14 11 17
Undersea City 20 18 21
Ice Trolls 20 19 24
Ice Efreets 21 15 24
Isle of Dreams 24 21 25
Ice Giants 25 23 25
Dwarf Home 30 28 32
Plane of Fire 30 28 31
Plane of Earth 31 30 32
Plane of Air 32 31 33
Forest Home 32 31 33
Halls of Death: Outer 33 32 35
Plane of Water 33 33 35
Halls of Knowledge 34 33 34
Plane of Shadow 34 31 39
Dwarf Home:Stairs 35 34 35
Elyssium 36 33 37
Halls of Death: Inner 36 34 38
Dragon Eyrie: Outer 36 34 39
Demonweb Pits: Outer 38 36 40
Dragon Eyrie 38 33 41