Wood Elf

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Wood Elves are reclusive, but less so than the almost feral wild elves. Also called Copper Elves, they have coppery skin tinged with green and brown, green or hazel eyes. Their hair is usually brown or black, with blond and coppery-red occasionally found.

Note: Wood Elf is a Subrace of Elves. To choose it you must pick Elf at creation and choose Wood Elf at first login.

Choosing the Elf race will include Elf adjustments already, therefore your stats will be adjusted from those selected at character creation as follows:

+2 Strength, -2 Intelligence, -2 Charisma

Character Creation Notes:

  • Unavailable in the Ragnar's Kin due to racial restrictions.
  • When changing to this subrace the regular Elf Skill Affinity feats for Listen, Search, and Spot will still be on the character sheet, but will be reduced as if no bonus unless they are already on the specific Elf subrace's skill affinity list.