Known Bugs

From Neversummer 4 EE Wiki
Revision as of 04:24, 13 November 2020 by Bargeld (talk | contribs) (Updated for regular use.)
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  • Shifting causes all items to unequip for a second, making the character lose any spell slots gained from items.
  • If you are polymorphed in any way shape or form, DO NOT take a level until you go back to your true form. There are several possible bugs that have been associated with this. From characters being invalidated due to an incorrect amount of skill points, which means the server will autoboot that character. To RDD stat bonuses not being applied at all, and a whole lot in between. As you can see this can really hose up your character. So please, return to your normal shape prior to clicking the level up button.
  • RACES: Svirfneblin, Drow, Githzerai and Githyanki racial Spell Resistance disappears upon dying, but reappears upon resting.
  • Invisible Enemies - This is an EE engine bug. Use chat command: /blink to resolve.
  • Character Sheet not matching combat logs - There are a few things that are known to cause this
    • Certain monk characters with Epic Weapon Focus Unarmed lose 3 AB. Still being investigated.
    • Abilities that exceed the 20 AB cap, such as Warlords Might and Divine Wrath
  • Pure Fighter token - When possible, receive haste before activating fighter token, otherwise oddities may occur ranging from losing all token bonuses to having those bonuses expire when haste spell expires.
  • Multiclass caster buff queue - divine casts as arcane. See details here:
  • Certain caster mobs will more than 40 caster levels have lost their spellbooks and theirfor their ability to buff/cast. Right now, research suggests that it is an EE issue.