Stalwart Shield

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Stalwart Shield

Description: Used by many a strong warrior to create unbreakable wall that could not be breached. The shield was soon lost when its bearer could not move quick enough to avoid the fireball blast.
Required Level: 25
Base Armor Class: +3
Armor Check Penalty: -10
Arcane Spell Failure: 50%
Feats Required: Shield Proficiency
Base Item: Tower Shield
Weight: 45.0

Bonus Abilities

Armor Class Bonus: +5
Damage Resistance: 15/- Bludgeoning Resist
Damage Immunity: 25% Bludgeoning Immunity
Elemental Damage Immunity: 25% Sonic Immunity

Improved Saving Throws: Fortitude +1
Reduced Saving Throws: Reflex -6
Skill Bonus: Discipline +4