Red Dragon Shape

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Type of Feat: Class

Prerequisite: Red Dragon Disciple

Required for: None

Specifics: The Red Dragon Disciple is granted a token that allows it to transform into a Red Dragon 2x/day. The dragon shapes improve to ancient dragon shapes at Red Dragon Disciple level 30

Use: Token

Red Dragon Shape is a Neversummer 4 added ability exclusive to the Red Dragon Disciple Class

WARNING - If you are polymorphed in any way shape or form, DO NOT take a level until you go back to your true form. There are several possible bugs that have been associated with this. From characters being invalidated due to an incorrect amount of skill points, which means the server will autoboot that character. To RDD stat bonuses not being applied at all, and a whole lot in between. As you can see this can really hose up your character. So please, return to your normal shape prior to clicking the level up button.

  • This form of shapeshifting cannot be dispelled.
  • Bonuses from armor, shield, helmet, boots, cloak, and jewelry merge into all shapes. Base (non-magical) AC from shields merge but not from armor. Bracer/gauntlet/glove properties merge except for attack bonuses and bonus damage. Weapon properties do not merge on unarmed shapes. Off-hand weapon and ranged weapon properties never merge. Unlike in the original campaign, all AC bonuses merge, not just the highest.
  • Improved Critical, Overwhelming Critical, and Devastating Critical: Unarmed functions using dragon claws, but Weapon Focus and Epic Weapon Focus: Unarmed do not

The following table denotes your new Strength, Dexterity and Constitution, Temporary Hitpoints, and an additional dodge AC bonus.

Red Dragon
Disciple Level
Shape Str Dex Con Temp. HP Dodge AC bonus Special Weapon
1 Wyrmling 22 10 18 +0 +4 Breath Attack : Fire
Cold Vulnerability 50%
Fire Immunity 75%
+8 Discipline
Weapon Finesse
Immunity: Paralysis
Spell Resistance: 18
Attack Bonus +1
Fire Damage 1d6
Massive Criticals 1d6
Monster Damage 1d6
11 Adult 38 10 23 +120 +8 Breath Attack: Fire
Huge Size
Fire Immunity 100%
Cold Vulnerability 50%
Damage Reduction 10/+3
+10 Discipline
Enhancement Bonus +4
Massive Criticals 2d12
Monster Damage 5d6
21 Wyrm 47 16 28 +150 - Breath Attack : Fire
Huge Size
Cold Vulnerability 50%
Fire Immunity 100%
+13 Discipline
Power Attack
Damage Reduction 10/+6
Immunity: Sneak Attack
Immunity: Paralysis
Attack Bonus +6
Fire Damage 2d6
Massive Criticals 2d10
Monster Damage 5d6
30 Ancient Wyrm 61 16 28 +150 +7 Breath Attack : Fire
Huge Size
Cold Vulnerability 50%
Fire Immunity 100%
+19 Discipline
Power Attack
Damage Reduction 10/+7
Bludgeoning Immunity 10%
Piercing Immunity 10%
Slashing Immunity 10%
Immunity: Sneak Attack
Immunity: Paralysis
+5 Spot
Fear Aura: DC 35 Will
Attack Bonus +10
Fire Damage 2d10
Massive Criticals 2d10
Monster Damage 8d8

For general information on NS4 shifting mechanics, see the Shifting Guide.