Platinum Dragon Scale Armor
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Platinum Dragon Scale Armor
Description: Piecemeal or complete armors of this type offer protection equivalent to a set of full plate armor.
Required Level: 35
Base Armor Class: 8
Maximum Dexterity Bonus: 1
Armor Check Penalty: -8
Arcane Spell Failure: 45%
Feats Required: Heavy Armor
Base Item: Armor
Weight: 50.0
Bonus Abilities
Armor Class Bonus: +6
Damage Immunity: 10% Piercing Immunity
Elemental Damage Immunity: 25% Electrical Immunity
Damage Resistance: 20/- Piercing Resist
Armor Bonus vs.: Evil +7 (AC Armor Modifier)
Damage Immunity: 10% Slashing Immunity Bonus
Damage Immunity: 5% Piercing Immunity Bonus
Bonus Spell Slot: Paladin Level 4
Light: Bright (20m) White
Only Usable By: Paladin
Only Usable By: Lawful Good