Monster Kings

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Monster Kings Feb 2021 event

Throughout February players were able to make Gnolls and Goblins.
They are no longer be available to make, but you can keep playing them.

Regardless of how many characters a Player has that qualify they may only enter once as a Goblin and once as a Gnoll (so twice at the most).

From the four qualifying events:

  • Tik - Goblin Champion of the North
  • Flick Greymane - Gnoll Champion of the North.
  • Throsty the Gnollman - Gnoll champion of the East.
  • Ewok Everlasting Gobstopper - Goblin Champion of the South.
  • Ifrit the beast - Gnoll champion of the west
  • Oztalun [IO] Goblin Chamion of the West.

Battle Royal: TBD by the Champions

The last player standing of each race will be considered The race King (or queen, player choice of tittle).

rules for these PvP events

  • Alliances, agreements, back room deals and the inevitable betrayals will be legal.
  • A player that may party with one other player who is of a different race.
  • If, during the event, a player finds itself in a party with another of the same race (alive or dead) they are disqualified along with all the party members.
  • Players may enter a party with one other player in the event who must not be the same race as them.
  • Teams will roll for order to be introduced to the battle map. Each team will be given a moment to find its spot (Party members need to stay in touch range of each other until the start) Once they are happy with the spot they have chosen they must not move again until the start is signaled and the next team will be brought onto the map.
  • At the starting signal all player must begin and complete a full rest.
  • You may buff but you must do it after the rest and start is called.
  • A player who achieves both Goblin and Gnoll Champion must choose which character to bring to the final, the other character concedes, this means the final will have at most 4 Gnoll and 4 Goblin.
  • Note that in this format the winning team does not automatically score both Championhips.
  • Players will not be able to use:
    • Scrolls
    • Potions
    • Raise dead
    • Resurrection