Lich's Wrath

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Description: This double axe was wielded by the Lich King in the Halls of the Dead. As an experienced executioner of the living, this evil blade served him well.
Required Level: 35
Base Damage: 1d8/1d8
Base Critical Threat: 20*3
Base Damage Type: Slashing
Weapon Size: Large
Feats Required: Weapon Proficiency (Exotic)
Base Item: Double Axe
Weight: 25.0

Special Properties

Additional Damage: +2d12 Slashing Damage, +1d8 Bludgeoning Damage
Elemental Damage: +1d6 Cold Damage, +2d8 Negative Energy Damage
Enhancement: +7
Massive Criticals: 2d10 Damage

Damage Resistance: 10/- Bludgeoning Resist
Damage Immunity: 10% Bludgeoning Immunity Bonus
Damage Immunity: 5% Bludgeoning Immunity Bonus