Gelzok's Fang

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Description: After a horrific battle with a large group of undead hunters that shattered his entire lower face, Gelzok, a powerful vampire, was left with only days before he would fall prey to lack of nourishment. An enchanter in his mortal life, he devised this blade as an alternative, and went on to wreak unholy vengeance on the families of those who had almost destroyed him.
Required Level: 13
Base Damage: 1d4
Base Critical Threat: 19-20*2
Base Damage Type: Piercing
Weapon Size: Tiny
Feats Required: Weapon Proficiency (Simple), Weapon Proficiency (Monk), Weapon Proficiency (Druid), Weapon Proficiency (Wizard) or Weapon Proficiency (Rogue)
Base Item: Daggers
Weight: 1.0

Special Properties

Additional Damage: +2d6 Piercing Damage
Elemental Damage: None
Enhancement: +3
Massive Criticals: 2d6 Damage

On Hit: Ability Drain DC-16 Constitution
Vampiric Regeneration: +2