Dwarf Home

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Dwarf Home reflects a typical Dwarves' idea of heaven: hard work, heavy drinking, and goblin slaying. It is reached, appropriately enough, through the Nexus connected to Ragnar's Kin. The plane itself is a huge underground complex peopled with the greatest warriors, priests, and craftmen of the dwarven race. The complex itself is ruled by the most famous dwarven hero in the history of Aetheria, Ragnar, a bloodthirsty warrior who united the dwarves of Aetheria and founded the faction which now bears his name. Passages which lead beyond the complex both above and below are filled with treacherous and stealthy goblins. The passages above the complex eventually lead to the surface, which is little more than a frozen waste which stretches as far as the eye can see. The is a rift portal here, but its destination remains unknown. Below the complex, the caverns reach the heart of the plane where a mysterious being named Alzaara guards a rift portal leading to the Plane of Fire.