Dread Pirate's Leathers

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Dread Pirate's Leathers

Description: This garment pulled off a dead pirate in the Plane of Water, has a horrible stench about it, yet provides powerful protection. It also seems to transform the wearer slightly into it's previous owner...
Required Level: 25
Base Armor Class: 2
Maximum Dexterity Bonus: 6
Armor Check Penalty: 0
Arcane Spell Failure: 10%
Feats Required: Light
Base Item: Armor
Weight: 10.0

Bonus Abilities

Armor Class Bonus: +5
Damage Immunity: 25% Slashing Immunity
Elemental Damage Immunity: 15% Cold Immunity, 10% Acid Immunity
Damage Resistance: 15/- Piercing Resist
Improved Saving Throws: Cold +2
Improved Saving Throws: Death +2
Regeneration: +1