Chromatically Tempered Longsword

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Description: Crafted long ago for a forgotten war, these weapons embody all the elements. The wizards crafting these weapons discovered that the weapons enchantments were so powerful that the weapon could not sustain themselves without breaking. The weapons were redesigned to require an outside source of power. In exchange for their life-force, the user of such a weapon can wield the devastating power of the elements. Unfortunately, being so attuned with to elements can leave the user vulnerable to such power as well.
Required Level: 20
Base Damage: 1d8
Base Critical Threat: 19-20*2
Base Damage Type: Slashing
Weapon Size: Medium
Feats Required: Weapon Proficiency (Martial) or Weapon Proficiency (Elf)
Base Item: Longsword
Weight: 4.0

Special Properties

Additional Damage: +2d8 Slashing Damage
Elemental Damage: +2 Acid Damage, +2 Cold Damage, +2 Electrical Damage, +2 Fire Damage
Enhancement: +5
Massive Criticals: 2d6 Damage

Ability Score Penalty: Constitution -2
Ability Score Penalty: Dexterity -2
Ability Score Penalty: Strength -2
Damage Vulnerability: 10% Acid Vulnerability
Damage Vulnerability: 10% Cold Vulnerability
Damage Vulnerability: 10% Electrical Vulnerability
Damage Vulnerability: 10% Fire Vulnerability