Bandit Lieutenant's Uniform
Bandit Lieutenant's Uniform
Description: Frustrated by his comrades consistently falling victim to the simplest of charms, Rotha Jadin personnaly oversaw the creation of a new line of uniforms for Bandit Lieutenants. A special metal magically enhance to refract dazzling lights was woven into the fibers of the tunic, giving its wearer complete immunity to the effects of Color Sprays. The metal fibers also provide good protection against piercing weapons.
Required Level: 9
Base Armor Class: 2
Maximum Dexterity Bonus: 6
Armor Check Penalty: 0
Arcane Spell Failure: 10%
Feats Required: Light Armor
Base Item: Armor
Weight: 10.0
Bonus Abilities
Armor Class Bonus: +2
Damage Immunity: 15% Slashing Immunity
Elemental Damage Immunity: 0
Damage Resistance: 5/- Pierce Resist
Regeneration: +1
Skill Bonus: Spot +3
Spell Immunity: Color Spray