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Singleplayer campaign?

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 6:56 pm
by CrazyJ
How is it?

BG 2 quality? Fallout? Or is it down there with KOTOR2 or the NWN OC?

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 7:09 pm
by watchwood
Hey, the KOTOR2 campaign was great.

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 7:10 pm
by CrazyJ
Aside from the bugs...and not having your party for the final planet... and the bugs... and the storyline basically going away near the end...

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 7:11 pm
by watchwood
No party I'm fine with. It happened in the first game too. I'll admit the bugs though. I wasn't big on having to talk to every damned person on Nar Shadda before I could get into the Jek Jek Tar.

Re: Singleplayer campaign?

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2006 7:21 pm
by Lokey
CrazyJ wrote:How is it?

BG 2 quality? Fallout? Or is it down there with KOTOR2 or the NWN OC?

Don't think so (just played BG 1 multiplayer), no, don't know, that's low ;) It's better than the NWN1 OCs excepting the KotoR style no one dies except in TPK, but not worth going out and picking up right away (wait for some more patching and community stuff).

Posted: Mon Nov 13, 2006 1:58 am
by ihuntudown
Just did the 2 black dragons, was 1st time where i actually needed to buff my toon for a victorious battle. Noticed the hardness level is way easier than the nwn1 and its expansion packs. Being level 17 (14clr/3rogue) at the moment so think the end is of the solo campain is comming near.

Posted: Sat Nov 18, 2006 10:01 am
by ihuntudown
Completed solo campain.

last fight was nice show but a dissapointment in the fighting. Getting much damage on short time, run, lord of shadow doesn't move much, heal and attack 19th lvl (16clr/3rog)

Hardest were the black reavers, command jarro like 20 times before he complete the true name scroll sequence was a pain :cry:

most fun part was defending the x-road keep. Nice tip there is take the dwarf and jarro on the wall, qara and jarro on the gate and watch the free xp flow.

neverwinter city was the most irritating piece, loading differend modules everytime you enter a new district screen + auto-save.

Best effect show is for the storm of vengeance and the wall of perilous flame.

time to go for multiplayer now, untill ns5 isn't out i'll be mostly on DeX. Cu laters

Posted: Sat Nov 18, 2006 5:32 pm
by Lework
I really wanna play the SP campaign but its just too choppy for me.

Posted: Sun Nov 19, 2006 6:39 am
by ihuntudown
done all the updates? the most recent one is partly a fix for choppyness on certain vid-cards. And like nwn1 you can disable ''shinywater reflections'' and the shadow effects. good thing to do if you have servere choppy things is load game and when you start the game open and close all stuff like your character sheet ,inventory,journal etc so next time you open these things you don't have to wait a few secs.

Posted: Sun Nov 19, 2006 8:41 am
by Lokey
Dual core? Get AMD's or Intel's fix for engine programmers that don't know how to code (this helps most games, including NWN1). It's in the readme. Update video drivers. Use hardware sound.

In order of things to try:
- Shadows: turn them down to drop only or off completely. Maybe with next patch those of us with less than a top of the line vid card that came out in the last two months can run them. (It hurts to do because they are so pretty. It's subtle, but you will miss them.)

- Turn off light sources from party (so just your active char's will show).

- Bloom off (another one that'll sting).

- Water reflections.

- Maybe lower draw distance.

- Maybe drop a texture level if you have less than 256MB of vid memory.

There's some fog effects in the early swamp areas that are pretty brutal on your video. Get at least to Fort Locke to see how most of the rest of the game will run.

Posted: Mon Nov 27, 2006 2:23 am
by Core
I like the single player alot so far, it sort of reminds me of how BG 2 used to do things party wise. The details on things like the faces moving are great. I like how all the cut scenes and camera worked out too. I haven't seen much of the game so far only had it about 2 days. I like it alot though. :roll: