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Last update dd June18 2008, i.e. auto respawn

Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2008 6:10 pm
by Riton LeGrand
While I understand the measures against players with relics dying and logging, it is a big nuisance not being able to wait for a rescue party for ressurrection in a PVM PVE fight.

Especially on Reflection which is not very crowded to put it mildly, a respawn is very hard to avoid if you cannot wait for someone to log on and help you out.

A respawn is costly in both gold and xp. Ressurection helps the teamplay on the server and on Reflection even disregards factions most of the time.

I understand that both NS4 worlds must be the same for development sake but the tyoe of play is totally different. On refelection the new auto respawn feature sucks greatly.

I wonder if a more stringent DM policy and thus banning policy might be more appropiate. :?:

Yours truly


Re: Last update dd June18 2008, i.e. auto respawn

Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2008 6:39 pm
by DM_Kim
Riton LeGrand wrote:While II understand that both NS4 worlds must be the same for development sake but the tyoe of play is totally different. On refelection the new auto respawn feature sucks greatly.

I wonder if a more stringent DM policy and thus banning policy might be more appropiate. :?:

Yours truly

First off, although current players on Reflection are playing a little different from Prime, game play on both are identical. The difference is due only to numbers. So all the same rules, updates apply with gaming experience being relatively the same.

Secondly, the DM policy of Ban/Boot is very much alive and well. It is stringent on both servers. The auto system that is in place now for forced respawn on dead PC's, just takes a little pressure off us and saves us minor bit of work.

Thank you for your comments and concerns. Hope this helps out.

Happy Hunting.