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New Forum Accounts

Posted: Sat May 13, 2006 11:35 pm
I am sorry to say that we have had such a rash of spam and advertisement accounts over the last few weeks that I have had to make a change. As of now ALL new accounts will have to be manually activated by an admin before they can be used. This means that twice a day I will go in and approve new accounts or delete the advertising or bot created accounts.

Sorry for the delay for the new users, I hope you undersand.

Look for acct activations around 6am and 6pm Alaska Standard Time (-8GMT).

Posted: Sun May 14, 2006 1:27 am
For an FYI, I just went through all the registrations since the first of the month. In just 13 days I deleted nearly roughly 35 accounts that I could positively identify as advertisement accounts of some sort or another, including 1 that was made just since I locked registration up.

Posted: Thu May 18, 2006 2:11 am
You'll notice that I did indeed turn off the admin activate on new accounts. I have installed a security measure to the NS4 forums and am waiting to see how this first one works before adding it to the NS3 forums.

There is a second security patch I will probably be adding this weekend as well, so if the forums disappear or get weird for a few minutes here and there, dont panic.