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Easter weekend Defenders of the Relic Event

Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2014 2:50 pm
by DM-Mac-
At long last the time has come for all of the warriors in the land to fight!!
Who will take home the coveted championship and bragging rights?

Here are the details
- The relic counter in Avendell will be set to zero, and all relics sent to their home cradle at the start of each heat.
- The event will run a span of three days totaling 5 heats
04/18/14 1st heat 1200-1600 EST 2nd heat -2000-0000 EST
04/19/14 3rd heat 0800-1200 EST 4th heat 2000-0000 EST
04/20/14 5th heat 1200-1600 EST

-So get on the horn/phone/crystal ball and call up all those grizzelled veterans

-At the beginning of each heat announcements on shout will be made in order to officially start each heat.
-Victory is achieved by having the highest number of relic captures, as per the relic counter in Avendell. The Defender statue will be relocated if necessary to the winners home town.
-A reward will be given to the MVP of each faction actively involved in relic warfare. (A player vote in the forums will determine MVP's)
-No solo mulitboxing allowed. (this applies to all on the server not just those actively involved in the event during the scheduled times)
-No cross or friendly faction dropping of the relics. (If you pick up the relic you must attempt to cap it in your home faction)
-Pick an alliance (ie AORK, MASL, TCNC and stick with it for each heat. If you wish to defect to another alliance for the next heat, that's fine.
-Chuggers will be continiously chickened, cronic abuse equals choked chicken. (booted)
-Above all else have fun!! This event is all about the players.

Re: Easter weekend Defenders of the Relic Event

Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2014 3:05 pm
by TheEdge
HMM so I get to sit back and watch the lil mortals kill each other over and over again? Yes.....Yes I think I will pull up one of my thrones and tap a couple Kegs-O-Ale and watch the fun.

BTW I expect to see all of my Dwarves out there chopping at the knees of any that cross their paths. Depending on what entertainment value you provide will determin if I in turn provide a few Kegs for the after party!

Re: Easter weekend Defenders of the Relic Event

Posted: Fri Apr 18, 2014 6:18 pm
by DM-Mac-
Heat One is over and the scoring is as follows.

TC 4
SL 2
RK 1
NC 0
MA 0
AO 0

Most of the action was in Melencia with a death count of 72 locally. Menzoduran was hardly visited and they are out for some blood in Heat 2.

Re: Easter weekend Defenders of the Relic Event

Posted: Sat Apr 19, 2014 1:27 am
by DM-Mac-
Heat Two was as bloody as the first.. though this time it was divided between TC and RK.

Scoring for Heat Two:

TC 4
RK 2
SL 1
MA 1
NC 1

Totals for event:

TC 8
SL 3
RK 3
MA 1
NC 1
AO 0

I believe my shout at end of Heat two may have only indicated a total of 7 for TC. A result of a long day, but I'm going off my notes here and it is the correct and official tally.

Re: Easter weekend Defenders of the Relic Event

Posted: Sat Apr 19, 2014 12:14 pm
by DM-Mac-
Heat Three is now over scoring below.

TC 6
NC 2
SL 1
MA 1
AO 0
RK 0

Combined totals of Heats 1-3:

TC 14
SL 4
RK 3
NC 3
MA 1
AO 0

Fighting in this one was 99% Masl trying to break though TNC's superior numbers, always at a 2 to 1 disadvantage. Aorks had pretty much just the one hero.

Re: Easter weekend Defenders of the Relic Event

Posted: Sun Apr 20, 2014 12:12 am
by DM-Mac-
Heat Four is now over score for it below, followed by grand totals to date.

TC 6
SL 4
RK 2
MA 1
NC 0
AO 0

TC 20
SL 8
RK 5
MA 3
NC 3
AO 0

Heat Four spread the love and blood all arround. All three allainces fielded 8 players or more, and 12 was the max for those free love hippies. The best balance thus for for this DoR and the last in 2011.

Re: Easter weekend Defenders of the Relic Event

Posted: Sun Apr 20, 2014 6:05 am
by mining
DM-Mac- wrote:TC 20
SL 8
RK 5
MA 3
NC 3
AO 0
Come on dragons, get yourself on the scoreboard!

Re: Easter weekend Defenders of the Relic Event

Posted: Sun Apr 20, 2014 4:29 pm
by DM-Mac-
Heat Five was not as bloody as Four, but it saw a greater over all balance between the 3 alliances.

Scoring for Heat Five:

SL 5
TC 4
MA 1
AO 1
RK 0
NC 0

Event final scores:

TC 24
SL 13
RK 5
MA 5
NC 3
AO 1

Congratulations to everyone that participated and thank you for making this event the un/holy blood bath that it was. While tempers got inflamed, no one actually involved in the event stepped out of line.

Vote for MVP here: ... &t=1003809