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Allignment Shifting & Deleveling

Posted: Fri Feb 09, 2007 11:46 pm
by Asylvan_ns3
Right now there is no way to loose a level once its gained which is a pain at times, there have been times I've gotten a toon pretty high and then bam lag spike I accidentlly click ok and I didnt distribute my final skill points first :( gah!

So, I was thinking, what if the cave of allignment instead of just killing you for picking the neutral path actually deleveled you by one level as well...Really sapped a piece of your soul for being so wishy washy :)

Just an idea could be fun :)

Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2007 9:00 am
by cryodog2_ns3
In cases where something is truely wrong we have DMs that can handle situations. Building toons and learning your mistakes while making them is part of the fun. You mess up a build and then figure out what you did wrong, then make a new and improved one. Delvling toons is not something that we want on Neversummer. If characters have been bugged or something happens that a player can not prevent then we have DMs to handle those situations, other than that well all go through the same thing. Lag grrr, well time to make another toon. I know at times it seem as though we arent taking your suggestions into consideration but alot of times these are things that have already been discussed and it is something that our Team doesnt think the pros out weigh the cons. That or it is something that neversummer itself was never designed for. We do ask you to keep sending in suggestions and others can tell you that they are heard and we have used some of them. Good luck with the game.

Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2007 3:51 pm
by BigTripleee_ns3
cryodog2 wrote:it is something that our Team doesnt think the pros out weigh the cons.
So is Pros more heavy-set than all those criminals?

Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2007 5:35 pm
by icywind1980_ns3
BigTripleee wrote:
cryodog2 wrote:it is something that our Team doesnt think the pros out weigh the cons.
So is Pros more heavy-set than all those criminals?

Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2007 10:30 pm
Please do not dredge up old post to make a ha ha