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Tougher areas

Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2006 10:28 am
by Annys_ns3
I would like to see a tougher area that actually puts our uber toons to a test, as it is virtually everywhere can be done solo so there is no need for a good balanced party, DWP boss and twilight boss are the only monsters i dont think many people can solo and that is only because they have such high regeneration. Anything can be done easy with 2 decent toons. How about a real tough area that druids cant enter then maybe I wont see everyone playing dragons all the time.

Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2006 12:50 pm
by Forge_ns3
geez... not again...

tell you what chief...

come to MidWest. CiC is more deadly than anything in DWP or Twilight. We'll see how uber your toons are.

Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2006 12:52 pm




Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2006 1:37 pm
by Dr_Fangorn_ns3
*shaking head*

*about to go postal*

Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2006 2:18 pm
by DM Sun Tzu_ns3
Hmmm, the other night I saw a dozen dead toons on east. All I did was give the party what they asked for.

Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2006 2:59 pm
by DM ex Machina_ns3
Okay I give up.

*quits defending the dragons from nerfing*

Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2006 3:19 pm
by Pros_ns3
The exploit avenger is tough to beat, he's undefeated.

Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2006 3:52 pm
by Dr_Fangorn_ns3
DM ex Machina wrote:Okay I give up.

*quits defending the dragons from nerfing*


To be serious, I've got lots of ideas of how to "toughen" up Neversummer. Your admin staff have had and are having ongoing discussions about this very topic. The fear is, as always, how to keep things challenging without ruining it for the causal player, or making it so different and tough to turn the veteran player away from the game.

Throwing "newer, tougher areas" isn't the first thing that comes to Pros' and my minds when we hear complaints like this. Issues about farming, no drop items, etc. all come to mind well before inserting yet another uber area for players to figure out. Only took you all 8 months to figure out Starfall and Twilight...

Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2006 4:41 pm
by Yeti_ns3
unless they took the sensei spawns down try and solo twilight entirely then come back.

Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2006 4:51 pm
by lougha_ns3
as it is virtually everywhere can be done solo so there is no need for a good balanced party, DWP boss and twilight boss are the only monsters i dont think many people can solo and that is only because they have such high regeneration. Anything can be done easy with 2 decent toons.

Well, obviously, you are far too cool to be playing here, so either accept the fact that you are that much better than the rest of us, or move on to a more challenging server. (and yes, you should have taken that dripping w/ sarcasim!)

create a ranger 15 / Wiz 15 / pm 10 with no borrowed gear, make him a half orc, dump everything into WIS, and then if you're still not challenged, perhaps the Dev's should consider a harder area.

Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2006 7:27 pm
by icywind1980_ns3
lougha wrote:
as it is virtually everywhere can be done solo so there is no need for a good balanced party, DWP boss and twilight boss are the only monsters i dont think many people can solo and that is only because they have such high regeneration. Anything can be done easy with 2 decent toons.

Well, obviously, you are far too cool to be playing here, so either accept the fact that you are that much better than the rest of us, or move on to a more challenging server. (and yes, you should have taken that dripping w/ sarcasim!)

create a ranger 15 / Wiz 15 / pm 10 with no borrowed gear, make him a half orc, dump everything into WIS, and then if you're still not challenged, perhaps the Dev's should consider a harder area.

Heh or he could try one of my builds ;)

Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2006 7:29 pm
by DM Fortune_ns3
Well, obviously, you are far too cool to be playing here

Agreed. 'nugh said. :x

Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2006 11:51 pm
by dbosity_ns3
DM Fang said:

Only took you all 8 months to figure out Starfall and Twilight...

Well, that's almost about right isn't it? one or two new areas every 6-9 months to mess with our heads? Keep us guessing what's in those areas and once we figure them out you throw in a change to mess with us all again. I find the pace that you guys put out new areas/ redone areas is plenty fast enough to keep me busy until the next change. Can't complain really about the rate of new material put out on NS, been playing for a while now and I still havn't been everywhere, done everything. Keep up the good work guys.

I think the complaints about NS being too easy is simply a failure on the player's part to think of the game in more than one dimension. The game isn't only about can you kill everything, its also about the style and design of the areas as well. Plenty to enjoy in many areas besides simply killing things. Also, making a claim that I can kill everything solo except the bosses in Twilight and DWP is like making the claim that boxing is too easy except I can't beat Ali, Foreman, Lennox Luis, etc. Go kill those guys in twilight and DWP solo first, then come back and complain.

Posted: Tue Aug 29, 2006 12:09 am
by Dr_Fangorn_ns3
Well, two epic areas released early in 2006...I think the changes Pros and I have made over the past 9 months have been quite prolific...just look at the Tweaks and Mod Updates thread, the first post is the summary of all the changes we've made.

A player choosing to start from scratch and shy away from hand me downs, donations, or farmed toons would have a fantastic time discovering all the new bottoms-up stuff we've put in to create a smooth gaming experience for our bored players. Unfortunately, too many folks just farm the best gear that they can, store it on a mule, and cookie cutter punch their builds with the best gear once each minimum requirement level (18/23/25) is hit. That's why I find it unfortunate that an "I'm bored" thread is started up every few weeks. There's an awful lot of good stuff in Neversummer now, just depends on how you play the game.

And I'm still not a big fan of Dragon Shifters. If your idea of mastering this mod is to build one of these and take a few hours to solo your way through an epic area, then all the power to you. I don't want to hear that someone is bored doing it this way, however, since from my perspective it takes away from the ideas that Pros and I have created for folks to enjoy. Again, to each their own. I'm not about to force players to play the mod the way I think it should. Some days I wish I could. ;)

Posted: Tue Aug 29, 2006 6:53 am
by Gtu_ns3
Well said Dr_Fangorn... I find myself transferring almost no items these days... there are still a few things missing that could solve this (Dagger of Essence would be nice), and being unlucky with random drops (e.g. C-Lord) is sometimes a bit frustrating...

... but as far as someone having uber builds that can solo everything, Annys, you can take lougha's advice (maybe not to that extreme) and create a more flavoursome build that swaps some uberness for some coolness... dual katanas, a quaterstaff-Monk... stuff like that. If you are a skillful player then you should still be able to solo through to 40, and will require a party for most of the epic areas...

It sounds more like you like to play solo anyway... if there were newer and harder areas would you be trying to tailor an uber toon especially for that area just to solo it?

I think the best point you made is that some newer areas could consider the party factor more... i.e. in the same area there are creatures that cannot be damaged at all but are not immune to death magic (with decent SR), requiring a high level caster, and also creatures with high AB who hit very hard and so require a decent meat shield... etc. and of course the area transitions should be one-way like the second area on the way to EC... and they drop +20 weapons with 2d12 on everything and on-hit Hellball? No but seriously, I hope the weapons don't get any more uber than they are... I think the new epic areas should have triton equivalent weapons that have the cool stuff like Vorpal DC-26... mmm...