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Character name bug

Posted: Sat Jan 02, 2010 10:39 pm
by TheCozof91
I had a character named Cozshe'n Eedsme §FoD§ that I realized I had screwed up, so I made a new char and foolishly thought putting the §FoD§ in the last name instead of the first would make it a different name. It loaded the character where there first character was in Rock Peak. I figured it was the same name problem now, but when I went to the login screen, the first character was still there. So I took her gear, put it in a chest, and destroyed her. Then I brought the first character, and it logged me in at Rock Peak again, so I thought it would let me play the character. I went and got the gear, relogged twice in different areas to make sure it was ok, then leveled her up to lvl 7 to catch up with the people I made her to play with and experienced no problems. But then the next day I tried to log on with the others to play our characters and my character was at the beggining and dominated, then it booted me. I tried a few more times and got the same result. Is there any way this can be fixed or that I can at least get the gear from her to put on another character?

Re: Character name bug

Posted: Mon Jan 04, 2010 2:02 pm
by DM Sun Tzu
Catch me online sometime.