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Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2005 9:03 am
by Pros_ns3
I'll tweak when I can. Its difficult to get it right the first time everytime and at the same time keep them in between EC and non-EC gear. I will take reasonable suggestions.


Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2005 2:23 pm
by hiro_ns3
Guys,Pros has ALWAYS been the best....

IF you would start with a PM to him, instead of series of [censored]/Whine/Complain just might find he

1) replies to all of us as soon as he can...The guy has to work and live in RL like all of us (well almost all....)

2) really cares and gets on it if it's a genuine issue

and finally

3) i get better results and more timely responses here on NS than i do from ANY of the services i PAY for, i.e. cable, cellphone, house maintanence, or utilites..

so hey...lets give the guy a break....he is making new gear and new areas for a FREE game....try getting something u dont like changed in EQ (giggle, snort, choke)...that takes a monthly feeding of hard earned cash...


gods u ppl whine a lot

and if i hurt your feelings -

im on midwest as

repairman jack
moon anything
hiro protagonist

Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2005 4:34 pm
by DM ex Machina_ns3
amen, hiro.

Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2005 9:18 pm
by Bob_ns3
Bug threads exist as much for other players as for the devs.

Unless, of course, you prefer seeing the same questions asked and answered ad nauseum over the shout channel.

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2005 2:42 am
by wise2727_ns3
well said hiro; couldn't have put it better myself!

Posted: Tue Mar 28, 2006 11:52 pm
by Rocco_ns3
I never really paid much attention to this thread, cause I couldn't get in the area you were talking about. However, now that I can, has the armor been upgraded?

Now, before Hiro ramapages some more, I am fine with the other armor I have and the build is insane, so no worries, just wondering. I am happy to offer suggestion on a new armor if you would like, of course, I don't know if I have the old armor or the new armor. 8)

Before I get bashed, not all my suggestions revolve around massive increases in triton damage :P

Also, since you asked, the test was hard in the fact that I died twice from massive damage and had to respawn and port back. Might be interesting if the cacti sang and gave a clue to a riddle or something. Each would be named and you had to pick the right one, failure resulting in death. Of course, that is more effort for the DEVs and more for the player, so a slightly better armor would be nice in such a case.

Also, that stag with the shop, inside right by the cactus, is he suposed to have nothing in his store?