Tu'narath Data

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Name CR Enh AB AC Offense Resistances SR Saves HP Race Alignment True Seeing STR Skills Abilities Spells Drops Respawn
Type Dmg Threat Multi Physical Non-Physical Fort Refl Will Conc Disc
Bludge Pierce Slash Acid Cold Elec Fire Sonic Posi Nega Magi Divi
Vlaakith CLVII 46 +20 61-56-51-46 84 S&P ~200 Avg
40+10d20 Physical
20 Negative
20 Magical
20-20 x2 25% 15/- 25% 15/- 25% 15/- 15/- 15/- 100% None None None 100% 25% None 55 86 71 56 17200+30 Undead Lawful Evil Yes 40 MAX MAX HiPS
Epic Dodge
Immunity: Spells lv3 or Below
Automatic Quicken Spell
Automatic Silent Spell
Epic Spell: Hellball dc66 x5
Epic Spell: Greater Ruin dc66 x5

Improved Invisibility
Bigby's Crushing Hand dc62 (30d10 Bludging) x5
    STR Check: 100+1d20
Sunburst dc61 x3
Great Thunderclap dc60 x5
Maximized Ice Storm (36 Bludging + 102 Cold) x4
Maximized Fireball (120 Fire) x12
Vlaakith's Astral Cloak
Gith's Star
Gith's Lock
Vrax 46 +10 93-88-83-78-73-68 76 S&P ~185 Avg
45+10d20 Physical
1d12 Magical
2d12 Fire
2d12 Negative
19-20 x2 75% 20/- 75% 20/- 75% 20/- None None None 100% None None None 50% 10/- 55 82 67 62 12100+23 Dragon Chaotic Evil Yes 45 MAX MAX Dragon Breath dc70 (24d10 Fire)
Fear Aura dc38
Automatic Quicken Spell
Automatic Silent Spell
Hellball dc25 x2
Heal x3
Vrax Scale
Dragonskin Boots
Zetch'r'r 46 +8 73-68-63-58 / 72-67 80 S+P ~85 Avg
51+1d8+2d12 Slashing
2 Sonic
2 Negative
2 Positive
2 Magical
22 Divine

~75 Avg
28+1d6+2d12 Piercing
1d8 Acid
1d4 Negative
20 Divine
13-20 x3 40% 15/- 25% 15/- 40% 15/- 15/- 15/- 100% None None None None None 15/- 55 72 47 46 10140+61 Human Lawful Evil Yes 45 120 MAX Teleports
Smite Good (+660 Divine) x3
Disarm / Knockdown / Called Shot
Epic Dodge
+45d6 Sneak Attack
Monster Uncanny Dodge
Immunity: Spells lv3 or Below
None Silver Sword of Gith
Voidmind Blade
Zetch'r'r's Armor
Githyanki Kithrak 46 +20 104-99-94-89-104-99-94-89 87 S ~105 Avg
71+1d10 Physical
2d12 Magical
2d12 Sonic
17-20 x2 35% 15/- 25% 15/- 50% 20/- 100/- 100/- 100% None 100/- None None None None 55 82 74 74 12450+60 Human Lawful Evil Yes 47 MAX MAX Disarm / Knockdown / Called Shot
Immunity: Spells lv3 or Below
None Kith'Rak Shield
Githyanki Helmet
Githyanki Armor
Kithrak Bracer
Githyanki Soldier [1] 43 +7 76-71-66-61 71 S&B ~75 Avg
43+1d8+2d12 Physical
1d8 Negative
1d4 Magical
16-20 x3 50% 20/- 25% 15/- 50% 20/- 15/- 15/- 100% None None None None None None 48 72 68 74 4000+34 Human Lawful Evil Yes 30 MAX MAX Disarm / Knockdown / Called Shot
Immunity: Spells lv3 or Below
None Githyanki Bone Flail
Githyanki Armor
Githyanki Helmet
Githyanki Soldier [2] 43 +7 76-71-66-61 73 (P) ~55 Avg
26+1d10+2d12 Physical
1d6 Negative
1d10 Sonic
17-20 x2 25% 15/- 25% 15/- 50% 20/- 15/- 15/- 100% None None None None None None 48 67 63 69 2500+34 Human Lawful Evil Yes 20 MAX MAX Devastating Critical dc50
Immunity: Spells lv3 or Below
None Githyanki Crossbow
Tears of Gith x99
Githyanki Helmet
Githyanki Armor
Githyanki Sarth 46 +7 86-81-76-71-86-81 68 S ~90 Avg
47+1d8+2d12 Physical
2d8 Electrical
1d6 Magical
15-20 x3 40% 15/- 25% 15/- 50% 20/- 15/- 15/- 100% None None None None None None 48 72 68 74 4750+34 Human Lawful Evil Yes 45 MAX MAX Disarm / Knockdown / Called Shot
+20d6 Sneak Attack
Immunity: Spells lv3 or Below
None Githyanki Double Silver Sword
Githyanki Helmet
Githyanki Armor
Githyanki Gish 44 +7 74-69-64-59 86 C,S ~80 Avg
49+1d8+2d12 Physical
1d4 Electrical
1d8 Magical
19-20 x3 35% 15/- 35% 15/- 50% 20/- 15/- 15/- 100% None None None None None None 48 67 45 45 3000+30 Human Lawful Evil Yes 45 MAX MAX Immunity: Spells lv3 or Below
Automatic Quicken Spell
Automatic Silent Spell
Epic Spell: Hellball dc50 x1
Epic Spell: Greater Ruin dc50 x1
Epic Spell: Epic Warding x1

Improved Invisibility x3
Mass Haste x4
Mordenkainen's Disjunction x3
Greater Dispelling (+25) x3
Bigby's Interposing Hand (-10) x3
Bigby's Clenched Fist (50%) x1
Isaac's Greater Missile Storm (20) x3
Gish Axe
Gish Shield
Githyanki Robes
Githyanki Blackguard 44 +9 67-62-57-52 77 S&B ~145 Avg
58+2d6+2d8+2d12 Physical
1d8 Negative
20 Magical
20 Divine
15-20 x2 25% 15/- 25% 15/- 50% 20/- 15/- 15/- 100% None None None None None None 48 48 53 59 3900+35 Human Lawful Evil Yes 35 MAX MAX Smite Good (+660 Divine) x3
Disarm / Knockdown / Called Shot
+15d6 Sneak Attack
Immunity: Spells lv3 or Below
None Githyanki Silver Sword
Githyanki Helmet
Githyanki Armor
Githyanki Belt
Githyanki Sorceror 44 +6 40-35 68 C,B ~25 Avg
9+1d6 Physical
2d8 Magical
20-20 x2 35% 15/- 15% 15/- 35% 15/- 15/- 15/- 100% None None None None None None 48 80 80 80 2000+30 Human Lawful Evil Yes 3 MAX 100 Immunity: Spells lv3 or Below
Automatic Quicken Spell
Automatic Silent Spell
Epic Spell: Hellball dc50 x1
Epic Spell: Greater Ruin dc50 x2
Epic Spell: Epic Warding x1

Bigby's Crushing Hand dc50 (30d10 Bludging) x9
    STR Check: 88+1d20
Bigby's Forceful Hand (60d6 Bludging) x12
    AC Check: 85+1d20
Maximized Ice Storm (36 Bludging + 102 Cold) x3
Firebrand dc46 (20d6 Fire) x5
Flame Arrow dc43 ((1+4d6)*15 Fire) x5
Astral Staff
Githyanki Robes
Red Wyrm 40 +10 72-67-62-57 74 S&P ~105 Avg
29+5d20 Physical
2d12 Fire
20-20 x2 50% 20/- 50% 20/- 50% 20/- None None None 100% None None None 25% 10/- 0 56 55 55 2500+15 Dragon Chaotic Evil Yes 29 110 110 Dragon Breath dc60 (24d10 Fire) x2
Fear Aura dc38
Immunity: Spells lv3 or Below
None None N/A