Ugly Stick

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Description: This staff is so hideous that it imparts anyone who holds it and any it strikes with a disfiguring visage.
Required Level: 20
Base Damage: 1d6
Base Critical Threat: 20*2
Base Damage Type: Bludgeoning
Weapon Size: Large
Feats Required: Weapon Proficiency (Simple), Weapon Proficiency (Druid), Weapon Proficiency (Monk), Weapon Proficiency (Rogue) or Weapon Proficiency (Wizard)
Base Item: Quarterstaff
Weight: 4.0

Special Properties

Additional Damage: +2d10 Bludgeoning Damage
Elemental Damage: +1d8 Fire Damage
Enhancement: +4
Massive Criticals: 2d10 Damage

On Hit: Ability Drain DC-22 Charisma