Masterwork Iron Shuriken
Revision as of 21:51, 10 July 2020 by Frogofpeace (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{Weapons:Shuriken| Desc=Shuriken are light, easy to conceal, and while they do little damage individually, they can be thrown very quickly| Lvl=1| Add=+1d4 Piercing Damage|...")
Description: Shuriken are light, easy to conceal, and while they do little damage individually, they can be thrown very quickly
Required Level: 1
Base Damage: 1d3
Base Critical Threat: 20*2
Base Damage Type: Piercing
Weapon Size: Tiny
Feats Required: Weapon Proficiency (Exotic) or Weapon Proficiency (Monk)
Base Item: Shuriken
Weight: 0.0
Special Properties
Additional Damage: +1d4 Piercing Damage
Elemental Damage: None
Enhancement: None
Massive Criticals: 1d4 Damage