Revision as of 21:15, 4 July 2020 by MrAsimov (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{Spells| Casters=Wizard/Sorcerer 5 | Innate=5| School=Conjuration| Components=V,S| Range=Long| Save=Fortitude Special| SR=...")
Caster Level: Wizard/Sorcerer 5
Innate Level: 5
School: Conjuration
Components: V,S
Range: Long
Save: Fortitude Special
Spell Resistance: Yes
Area of Effect: Large
Duration: 1 Round/2 Levels
Additional Counterspells: None
Description: Enemies in the AoE are affected based on their Hit Dice.
- 1-3 HD Instant Death
- 4-6 HD Fortitude save vs Death
- 7+ HD 1d10 damage(acid)/round