Dervish Bow

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Description: This small but powerful bow has a spiked front to help fend off attacks.
Required Level: 16
Base Damage: 1d6
Base Critical Threat: 20*3
Base Damage Type: Piercing
Weapon Size: Medium
Feats Required: Weapon Proficiency (Martial) or Weapon Proficiency (Elf) or Weapon Proficiency (Rogue)
Base Item: Shortbow
Weight: 3.0

Special Properties

Additional Damage: None
Elemental Damage: None
Enhancement: None
Massive Criticals: 2d6 Damage

Attack Bonus: +3
Mighty: +3
Damage Resistance: 5/- Slashing Resistance

Note: This item will only drop if spawned as a {Unique} item.