Bahamut Shield of the Pure
Revision as of 23:08, 9 July 2020 by MrAsimov (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{Tower Shields| Item=Bahamut Shield of the Pure| Desc=| Lvl=35| Enhance=6| Dex=N/A| ACB=+6| Type=Tower Shield| Fail=50%| Add=20/- Piercing Resist...")
Bahamut Shield of the Pure
Required Level: 35
Base Armor Class: +3
Armor Check Penalty: -10
Arcane Spell Failure: 50%
Feats Required: Shield Proficiency
Base Item: Tower Shield
Weight: 45.0
Bonus Abilities
Armor Class Bonus: +6
Damage Resistance: 20/- Piercing Resist
Damage Immunity: 25% Piercing Immunity
Elemental Damage Immunity: 25% Fire Immunity
Damage Vulnerability: 15% Magic Vulnerability
Spell Immunity: Inflict Minor Wounds
Spell Immunity: Inflict Light Wounds
Spell Immunity: Inflict Moderate Wounds
Only Usable By: Lawful Good
Spell Resistance: 32