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Vigilant: - Vigilants of the Northern Coalition are the backbone of the army that upholds the order in the Daeron domain. Their tasks are mainly focused around the outskirts of Daeron where they keep the peace that allows the mighty city to blossom.

This job can be started and progressed by speaking to High Marshal Cristoph in the Northern Coalition Barracks.

Level 1:

  • Your first assignment is to keep the farmers safe in the land that surrounds the walls of Daeron. The lands have been crawling with undead, and it is time to show those foul creatures that even the undead can feel pain.
  • Only undead in the Daeron Outskirts, Shara Valley, and Highlands Road count. The Arnoth Mountains are too far away from the city falls for players to receive credit for killing undead there. So, you will be reloading the area quite a bit.
  • It's advised to use bludgeoning damage to kill undead, as most of them have 50% slashing and piercing resistance.
  • Bonuses: +1 AB vs. Undead, +1 AC vs. Undead, +2 Heal, +2 Taunt

Level 2:

  • Although you have done well, the undead persist to roam the countryside. You will need to go out and once again rid the outskirts of Daeron of this infestation, so we can disrupt their rising force.
  • The requirements are the same, but you have additional areas open to you in which to receive job points for killing undead-like creatures, such as the Arnoth Mountains and Arnoth Mountain Tunnel, many reward double or triple what skeletons gave; it now goes much quicker.
  • Bonuses: +1 AB vs. Undead, +1 AC vs. Undead, +1 Heal, +1 Taunt

Level 3:

  • We have received a distress call from our miners! Quickly run to the Arnoth Mountains and find out what the fuss is all about! Report to Mine Foreman Gringle.
  • Mine Foreman Gringle can be found through the Arnoth Mountains, behind a waterfall into the Arnoth Mountain Tunnel, and towards the northwest of the map into the Arnoth Mines. He is located in the middle of the map.
  • After speaking to him, travel into the well nearby and kill all the Infected Bat in the map to receive credit! Speak to him again to finish up, and return to High Marshal Cristoph when ready.
  • Note that the miners (including Mine Foreman Gringle) only spawn in the map during the day, so that will be the only time you can talk to him. (7:00-21:00)
  • Bonuses: +1 AB vs. Undead, +1 AC vs. Undead, +1 Heal, +1 Taunt

Level 4:

  • Our intelligence has indicated that the local undead are being controlled by a leader who resides in the Arnoth Mountains. He is the one responsible for our farmer's fields lying fallow when they should be harvested and the ore from our mines never reaching the surface. Go eliminate the Skeleton Commander in the depths of Arnoth Mountains.
  • The objective can be found by traveling into the Arnoth Mountain Tunnel, going down a spiral cave in the southeast part of the map to the Arnoth Lower Caves, and then towards the center of the map to kill the big baddie.
  • The skeletons could be difficult for lower-leveled characters, but as long as you have slash resist gear for the warriors, and pierce resist gear for the archers, you should be fine... unless the Skeleton Commander crits you with his scythe.
  • Returning to High Marshal Cristoph after killing the Skeleton Commander will give you mastery in the job.
  • Bonuses: Holy Symbol of the Coalition

Notes: All bonuses are cumulative. In the end, you'll have a total of +3 AB vs. Undead, +3 AC vs. Undead, +4 Heal, +4 Taunt, and Holy Symbol of the Coalition.

This job has had the following bugs, which should now be fixed:
1: Advancing your job level past 2, including completing level 2, as well as swapping jobs, will either give you the Holy Symbol of the Coalition, or take it away from you, depending upon whether or not you have one on you. Do make sure to not swap jobs when you are at level 4 of Vigilant, or else you will not have the Holy Symbol of the Coalition upon mastering the job, at which point you cannot swap jobs in order to get it back. A DM will probably give you the Holy Symbol of the Coalition in that case, if asked to. If you cannot find a DM, try asking for help in the DM channel around 8:05 P.M. EST on Wednesdays, or, failing that, ask for help on the forums. You won't have to worry about this bug if you complete all 4 Vigilant jobs in a row, or all 3 after the first one in a row, and complete the forth one during the same reset in which you get the job, as is described below.
2: If you do not complete level 4 of this job during the same server reset in which you advance your Vigilant job level from 3 to 4, the Skeleton Commander will not spawn unless you swap jobs to retake level 4 of this job, which would activate the first bug. Just in case, you should make sure for this reason to master this job before mastering Border Patrol, and to not advance your job level past 3 until the next server reset if it will happen within less than 91 minutes... and you might take even longer to finish this job by yourself, including the parts where you coincidentally die, so wait for a server reset to begin this job if you aren't overlevelled for it, just in case.

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