Crafted Tailored Cloth

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Revision as of 03:25, 8 July 2020 by MrAsimov (talk | contribs)
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Crafted Tailored Cloth

Description: Piecemeal or complete armors of this grade are meager protection, no better than garments made of cloth or even rags.
Required Level: 1
Base Armor Class: 0
Maximum Dexterity Bonus: None
Armor Check Penalty: 0
Arcane Spell Failure: 0%
Feats Required: Robes
Base Item: Armor
Weight: 1.0

Bonus Abilities

Armor Class Bonus: 0
Damage Immunity: 5% Bludgeoning Immunity
Elemental Damage Immunity: 0
Damage Resistance: 0
Weight Reduction: 60% of Weight

Tailor Level: Apprentice
Gold Cost to Craft: 72 gold
EXP Cost to Craft: 36 exp

Crafted Tailored Cloth

Description: Piecemeal or complete armors of this grade are meager protection, no better than garments made of cloth or even rags.
Required Level: 1
Base Armor Class: 0
Maximum Dexterity Bonus: None
Armor Check Penalty: 0
Arcane Spell Failure: 0%
Feats Required: Robes
Base Item: Armor
Weight: 1.0

Bonus Abilities

Armor Class Bonus: 0
Damage Immunity: 5% Piercing Immunity
Elemental Damage Immunity: 0
Damage Resistance: 0
Weight Reduction: 60% of Weight

Tailor Level: Apprentice
Gold Cost to Craft: 72 gold
EXP Cost to Craft: 36 exp

Crafted Tailored Cloth

Description: Piecemeal or complete armors of this grade are meager protection, no better than garments made of cloth or even rags.
Required Level: 1
Base Armor Class: 0
Maximum Dexterity Bonus: None
Armor Check Penalty: 0
Arcane Spell Failure: 0%
Feats Required: Robes
Base Item: Armor
Weight: 1.0

Bonus Abilities

Armor Class Bonus: 0
Damage Immunity: 5% Slashing Immunity
Elemental Damage Immunity: 0
Damage Resistance: 0
Weight Reduction: 60% of Weight

Tailor Level: Apprentice
Gold Cost to Craft: 72 gold
EXP Cost to Craft: 36 exp