Infestation of Maggots
Caster Level: Druid 3
Innate Level: 3
School: Necromancy
Components: V,S
Range: Touch
Save: Fortitude negates
Spell Resistance: Yes
Area of Effect: Single
Duration: 1 Round / 2 Levels
Additional Counterspells: Remove Disease, Heal
Description: Inflicts disease on targets that fail fortitude save. The disease gets more powerful with druid level and Necromancy spell focus feats.
if(GetHasFeat(FEAT_EPIC_SPELL_FOCUS_NECROMANCY, oCaster)) { if(nHD >= 36) { nDisease = DISEASE_DEMON_FEVER; } else if(nHD >= 32) { nDisease = DISEASE_SOLDIER_SHAKES; } else if(nHD >= 27) { nDisease = (d2() == 1) ? DISEASE_BURROW_MAGGOTS : DISEASE_GHOUL_ROT; } else if(nHD >= 21) { nDisease = (d2() == 1) ? DISEASE_RED_SLAAD_EGGS : DISEASE_CACKLE_FEVER; } else { nDisease = (d2() == 1) ? DISEASE_BLINDING_SICKNESS : DISEASE_DEVIL_CHILLS; } } else if(GetHasFeat(FEAT_GREATER_SPELL_FOCUS_NECROMANCY, oCaster)) { if(nHD >= 36) { nDisease = DISEASE_SOLDIER_SHAKES; } else if(nHD >= 32) { nDisease = (d2() == 1) ? DISEASE_BURROW_MAGGOTS : DISEASE_GHOUL_ROT; } else if(nHD >= 27) { nDisease = (d2() == 1) ? DISEASE_RED_SLAAD_EGGS : DISEASE_CACKLE_FEVER; } else if(nHD >= 21) { nDisease = (d2() == 1) ? DISEASE_BLINDING_SICKNESS : DISEASE_DEVIL_CHILLS; } else { nDisease = (d2() == 1) ? DISEASE_RED_ACHE : DISEASE_ZOMBIE_CREEP; } } else if(GetHasFeat(FEAT_SPELL_FOCUS_NECROMANCY, oCaster)) { if(nHD >= 36) { nDisease = (d2() == 1) ? DISEASE_BURROW_MAGGOTS : DISEASE_GHOUL_ROT; } else if(nHD >= 32) { nDisease = (d2() == 1) ? DISEASE_RED_SLAAD_EGGS : DISEASE_CACKLE_FEVER; } else if(nHD >= 27) { nDisease = (d2() == 1) ? DISEASE_BLINDING_SICKNESS : DISEASE_DEVIL_CHILLS; } else if(nHD >= 21) { nDisease = (d2() == 1) ? DISEASE_RED_ACHE : DISEASE_ZOMBIE_CREEP; } else { nDisease = (d2() == 1) ? DISEASE_SHAKES : DISEASE_DREAD_BLISTERS; } } else // no Necromancy feats { if(nHD >= 36) { nDisease = (d2() == 1) ? DISEASE_RED_SLAAD_EGGS : DISEASE_CACKLE_FEVER; } else if(nHD >= 32) { nDisease = (d2() == 1) ? DISEASE_BLINDING_SICKNESS : DISEASE_DEVIL_CHILLS; } else if(nHD >= 27) { nDisease = (d2() == 1) ? DISEASE_RED_ACHE : DISEASE_ZOMBIE_CREEP; } else if(nHD >= 21) { nDisease = (d2() == 1) ? DISEASE_SHAKES : DISEASE_DREAD_BLISTERS; } else { nDisease = (d2() == 1) ? DISEASE_FILTH_FEVER : DISEASE_MINDFIRE; } }
Label Name First_Save Subs_Save Incu_Hours Dice_1 Dam_1 Type_1 Dice_2 Dam_2 Type_2 Dice_3 Dam_3 Type_3 Type End_Incu_Script 24_Hour_Script
0 Blinding_Sickness 4689 24 24 1 4 1 0 4 1 1 **** **** **** EXTRA **** NW_S3_BlindSick 1 Cackle_Fever 4690 28 28 1 6 1 4 6 1 3 **** **** **** EXTRA **** **** 2 Devil_Chills 4692 24 24 1 4 1 0 **** **** **** **** **** **** SUPER **** **** 3 Demon_Fever 4691 45 42 1 6 1 2 6 1 3 6 1 5 SUPER **** Nw_S3_DemonFev 4 Filth_Fever 4693 12 12 1 3 1 3 3 1 2 **** **** **** EXTRA **** **** 5 Mindfire 4694 12 12 1 4 1 3 **** **** **** **** **** **** EXTRA **** **** 6 Mummy_Rot 4695 20 20 1 6 1 2 **** **** **** **** **** **** SUPER **** **** 7 Red_Ache 4696 15 15 1 6 1 0 **** **** **** **** **** **** EXTRA **** **** 8 Shakes 4697 13 13 1 6 1 0 **** **** **** **** **** **** EXTRA **** **** 9 Slimy_Doom 4698 14 14 1 4 1 1 **** **** **** **** **** **** EXTRA **** **** 10 Red_Slaad_Eggs 4699 28 28 1 6 2 1 6 2 0 6 2 2 EXTRA NW_S3_SlaadEgg **** 11 Ghoul_Rot 4700 32 32 1 6 1 2 6 1 0 **** **** **** SUPER **** **** 12 Zombie_Creep 4701 15 15 1 4 1 2 4 1 1 **** **** **** SUPER **** **** 13 Dread_Blisters 4702 13 13 1 4 1 2 4 1 5 **** **** **** SUPER **** **** 14 Burrow_Maggots 4703 32 32 1 4 1 3 4 1 4 **** **** **** SUPER **** **** 15 Soldier_Shakes 4704 40 38 1 6 1 0 6 1 1 4 2 2 **** **** Nw_S3_SoldShake 16 Vermin_Madness 4705 13 13 1 1 1 3 1 1 4 1 1 5 EXTRA **** ****