it seems the first lvl summon for an evil char "fiendish chicken" uses up all its ferocity attempts before wanting to do anything else.
possible suggestions would be to remove ferocity or replace it.
(and i know "just dont cast it in combat but before and wait 4 rounds" will be flamed by some but thats not the point, he's balanced to have ferocity so it should work and as a combat diversion he's pretty much useless)
Well summons have some problems. Like attacking the farthest enemy, when the order is nearest. Or using some innate ability or spells instead of getting into fight.
But then again, you have to learn to get around these short comings. It's actually part of the charm of NS4 to get along with a summon. If you find a chicken bad, wait till you have the higher lvl ones around. That will be really fun!
every once in a while they do work right tho i remember once i was going up the trail and happened on a party of 3 toons. before i could decide wether to attack them or not my skelly ziped over to them kd'ed the mage then moved immeadatly to one of the ftr types it was amazingly swift and percise. myself and the group both commented on the almost consious actions of the summons.
"There is no great genius without some touch of madness." - Seneca
"There's a fine line between genius and insanity. I have erased this line." - Oscar Levant