MA and SL Forces ??

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Pk Bait
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MA and SL Forces ??

Post by Cobol »

Well i think SL and MA needs to start getting better organized to handle the threat from the North..

Death guardians has 3 people.. well 4 now.. but not very organized.. and lacking communication..

death dealers.. has couple people too but I havnt played with anyone that has seen them on.. but I have talked to there leader couple times..

ai clan just started up on NS4.. they have couple very "dedicated" members and the most promising in my book but there new to the server.

Im not to sure if there is any other groups out there.. I know couple people are looking for some active groups.. I know I am looking for some active groups..

SL and MA needs to join forces and start thinking about common interest.. protect the cities.. and start up a offensive move.. we need to get organized.. and find a means of communicating effectively..

I dont know who else is interested in some organized group play in MA and SL.. but the people who are - we need to get togeather.. find a way to merge the small house tags that already out there.. or come up with a commitee of small houses to work as a group.. dont know..

anyone there have any interest ?

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Post by ravenmyst »

:twisted: I think it's time for us to send a message to CLAD. That evil lurks in every shadow and that thier pitiful attempt to organize a deffense is useless. I say we strike soon while thier forces are still weak!!

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Post by ATI »

send as many people you need to kill CLAD...i have to say though I killed your two best men today from DD, and they didn't stand a chance. You'll need some better chars to handle CLAD
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Post by Smatchy-mo »

I can't speak for the other Death Guardians, but I'm very interested in combining our small forces to fight the north. Their presence in our territory is an all too common occurence. I don't think organizing a resistance would be that hard to do. We don't need to start new characters or anything like that. Just a little communication and cooperation between the small guilds to make it more like one big one:)
Death Knight of Garagoth
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Post by ravenmyst »

May be can keep our same guild tags but work together and call ourselves the "Army of Darkness". Let me know what you all think. By the way ATI I believe Holly Bolt and I managed to kill all of your high marshals and loot thier rotting corpeses before any one knew what was happening and I am only lvl 15. :twisted:

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Post by Smatchy-mo »

Sounds good to me. Lets see what the leaders of the guilds think :wink:
Death Knight of Garagoth
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Post by ravenmyst »

I think I can speak for the DD when I say we are in. Won't be the same though now that ATI is gone, I hope someone steps up and fills his shoes. :evil:

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Post by TheBestDeception »


This is exactly what this server and organized groups within each faction to further that faction's cause and build a sense of community for those factions.

This is in contrast to the unaligned Okies and Slaves who actually destroy the community (ATI, for example) by killing all in their sight (repeatidly).

I look foward to seeing ya'll on the battlefield. for Ravenmyst: fight and kill CLAD members and you can claim victory. What you shouldn't expect is for CLAD to be guarding our HQ 24/7...because that would be rather boring.

Just don't expect to sneak by my all-seeing Arcane of Daeron...he is especially trained at spotting even the best assassins and shadowdancers...and will destroy the threat with extreme prejudice.
But, it's such a draining job that, until you've DMed on an NWN server yourself, you the playerbase, have got to cut the DMs some slack. - Flailer

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Post by Cobol »

well i cant see anyone guarding HQ's 24/7... but maybe we can plan future events where we annouce when we are attacking couple days in advance or when we are defending to make the faction war interesting..

course alot of us still are in the need to level...

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Post by Cobol »

to make things run smoothly I would suggest a voice server.. I know ai house has one.. Also Ter'Ridar House has one that could be used.. I will have to get with those houses and see if we can share there resources as long as there respected.. Voice server is a great way to communicate and know when people are on.. Also could create a private forum for better communication and just give updated on MA and SL status simalr to what CLAD does...

except it would be a commitee of Guilds so we can all keep our prospective house tags... we just need to communicate.. I will pm you both DD houses soon..

Is there any other Guild houses in MA or SL Factions intested ??

Or any people just wanting to be part of but not in a guild can join too...

or anyone wanting to join a Guild in MA or SL faction... you have choices..

I hope to get some responses :)

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Post by ravenmyst »

Good idea with the voice server I have used Team speak 2 in the past . It would be awesome to be able to communicate with everyone even in different servers.

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Post by ai_seleleth »

Hello fellow inhabitants of the Southwestern lands of NeverSummer.

I want you to know that you'll have the support of clan ai in this venture. We're a group of players that are just now crossing over from Warcraft III into Neverwinter Nights.

We're all rather new at the game. And there's only a handful of us currently playing. But we're a sharp group with an emphasis on teamwork. So we should be able to offer some valuable help.

Look for us in the player list under "ai name charactername" and join our party. Come communicate with us in our forums at Or join us on our teamspeak server (address: We're here to help!

PS Cobol, quit referring to us in the third person. You've been assimilated, remember? :shock:
Ninjas are mammals. Ninjas fight ALL the time. The purpose of the ninja is to flip out and kill people.

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Post by Cobol »

Cobol doesnt think of himself as assimulated.. He has joined the ai clan because they are a very dedicated group of players and easy to get along with.. Cobol also has a Death Guardian character too though..

Thanks again to ai house for letting other guilds to use there Team Speak server.. hopefully "we", MA and SL factions, can get a little organized..

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Post by Risen »

I'm eager to join up with a Guild.
I play about min. 1hr a night, generally a couple more on the weekends.

Generally play around 10PM ish...give or take 30mins.

I live in Sydney, Australia (if you were curious about my timezone)

ATM I'm level 7 (almost 8 & I did have a level 20+ pal/ct/fgr on NS3).

Who wants me? =)
(or rather, who might want me)

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Post by Cobol »

10pm your time is about what time in america... ummmm... your in tomorrow already about what 16 hours ?? just trying to get a feel when you play


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