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Post by Gil-Este »

i know there isnt even a disguise skill in bioware (which sucks if you ask me) but i was wondering if there is going to be any way to pretend to be a member of a faction you are not part of (for infiltration purposes :D)
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Post by DrakhanValane »

While it'd be possible for NPCs (change faction rating temporarily until they make a save of some sort/you drop the disguise), a problem arises from the other PCs that aren't roleplaying. If they know your char name isn't a member of your faction then there isn't much to be done to prevent them from stopping you anyway. I'm pretty sure there isn't a way to change the name displayed over your char. Otherwise it's a solid idea. :)
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Post by Joran »

We've thought about implementing some kind of system where rogues or other sneaky-like characters can "feign" faction alignment, and walk around unharmed in hostile areas. Think it would be a neat addition.

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Post by Bob »

There was a UO-style disguise kit script on the Vault not too long ago. Can't vouch for how well it worked, but it looked interesting.

[edit - Evidently, I bookmarked it. http://nwvault.ign.com/Files/hakpacks/data/1036973051420.shtml]

[edit, again - Didn't realize it was a hak until I took another look.]

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Post by Gil-Este »

Joran wrote:We've thought about implementing some kind of system where rogues or other sneaky-like characters can "feign" faction alignment, and walk around unharmed in hostile areas. Think it would be a neat addition.

that would be awesome :D there is still the problem of players who arent RPing but one possible solution (and maybe you guys have already thought of this or something better) is if a PC fails their check to see through the disguise then they risk damaging their standing in their own faction if they attack anyways
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