A new faction idea for novice protection

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A new faction idea for novice protection

Post by mumoogaipan »

On the forums, there are always characters who are upset about getting "griefed" or PK'ed. Why don't a group of higher lvl characters create an interfactional alliance in order to protect lower level characters. In turn the lower level characters would have to pay some sort of fee determined by the higher level characters. I think this would be a pretty interesting play aspect of the game.

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Post by Goodall »

body guards, hired mercenaries......I like it
It's just a game!
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Post by Chimaira »

I like the idea but the whole point of factions is that high lvls in a faction protect their low lvls. I know that if anyone in my faction would ask for help because he got PKed then I would help(Unless of course I absolutely hate him or the person that PKed him had a valid reason other then RP based)

I experienced this alot while lvling in LA territory. One of em attacked me while i was lvling, I killed him and before I knew it I got the whole faction running after me.

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Post by bongoblue »

Its just a game of pkers who love to harass other players. Or it isn't.

Or its somewhere in between.

But harassing someone else and claiming its role playing is nonsense and pathetic.

The easiest way to handle it is to not allow high levels to attack low levels.

Other mmorpgs and online games can handle it, so its possible here to.

No extraordinary requirements needed.

Its not that some of us are attached to our characters, we aren't, its that being pked all the time interferes with our gaming time.

As for whining about being pked, I've noticed alot of whining coming from those who pk when they are taken to task about their gaming habits.

The pro/anti pks simply aren't going to agree on this.

The solution was always there, if someone doesn't want to be involved in pk, allow them to opt out of being pked.

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Post by LadyCheron »

Just how prevalant IS PK? Since the mod went open beta, I've gotten characters to level 5 in each of the 7 factions. No, not under MY login. I've been PK'd thrice (once in enemy territory), caught in Area of Effect spells once, and hit by unruly summons twice. There has been less PvP in the last week or so than in the first week, by a long shot.

I can't see that deliberate PKing of newbs is that big an issue. As far as making them "immune" to PK - if we made them unkillable, the mobs couldn't kill them either. The only current loss for non-planar races is the time needed to run back to where they were - or another area. There is no respawn penalty in place for PvP killings for any characters other than planars. There IS a penalty if killed by a summons, it's already on the bugtracker.

This IS a PvP mod. DD has said it's going to stay a PvP mod. The best thing for newer characters to do is stay out of the way of hostiles, and level up as fast as possible.
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Post by Kell Of Neversummer »

It has improved a lot. Also people have gotten better about there use and control of summons. Once the summons is fixed, I know I won't mind it - and I am not a pk'er. (I've been pked 6 times - losing xp on 5 of them :cry: )

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Post by mumoogaipan »

Okay, i kind of didn't want this discussion to break out. I really just think it would be cool if people, instead of complaining about their problems, figured out ways of dealing with the problem without nerfing the system. I think this is a pretty proactive solution. Create a force of people who are high level who protect you. They don't have to be in your party but are forced to be with the lower level character because of payment to be given by the low level character.

As far as pking is concerned, the mod should not make low level characters immune for a couple of reasons.
1) unrealistic
2) goes against the climate of the mod in that this is a war atmosphere
3) creates a feeling that new characters are protected when in actuality they arent due to the fact that other factions could be trying to kill them
4) sets a bad precedent in that if the devs decide to nerf the low level characters when does it stop. Those characters who want protection will want it later. This is due to the fact that the lower level characters thought they were invincible during lower levels and then suddenly plopped into the world of pvp and aren't prepared sufficiently to fight in pvp. However, characters who from level 1 have to deal with pvp issues learn to eventually just deal with it instead of complain. Besides, if the devs set the limit to 10 why not set it to 20 or 30 or 39. Why not make everyone invincible. When does the nerfing stop. The problem is that this is not an issue of the game itself. It is an issue of player perspective. Many of the players in NS4 dont like to die by other characters. It is seen as an afront to the ego (and don't say its not true because if it weren't an afront to the ego there would be no need to seek retribution to pk'ing characters) That is the problem. This is a game. Only a game. No real life issue is really going on. You don't really die, you dont really slay the dragon, you dont get the magic armor and in the end no one cares how well you do in the game. Why because it is fantasy. And in fantasy people can't die and we all can come back to fight another day. That is the problem, people take the game way to seriously. I was Pk'd by Arath by his lvl 33 character and i was lvl 14. But 1) i started it and he finished it. Did i get upset no. In fact later on we met at the ogre trail and we had a good laugh about the ordeal and there was no hard feelings. Remember if you are so hell bent on changing the rules wouldn't it just be easier to change your perspective and let things go.

I dont mean to sound hyper critical of anyone in this post. Please lets stay on topic and get some characters willing to form an alliance to help out lowly characters.

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Post by Throst54 »

any amount of money that a low lvl character is able to scrape up isnt going to be enough for a higher lvl charcter to want to take for "protection" these people are supposed to be your allies anyways... why should you have to pay them?
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Post by Gil-Este »

heh i tried founding something like this (cept without the fees) about a week ago, but i dont know what happened to it cuz i couldn't play NWN at the time and just reinstalled it yesterday. newbs arent exactly gonna be able to pay fees that make it worth the high level char's time, instead we should just do it for the funness of being a bodyguard and being able to kill other PKers :D
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Post by bongoblue »

I don't know if pk has slacked off on ns4 or not. I'm going by the amount of talk about it in the forums. I haven't logged in ns4 for over 2 weeks because I'm not interested in gaming on a pvp/faction war server. My 1-4 hours per week of gaming time isn't going to be spent walking back to my start point...

Hmm. I remember a post in here of someone saying the nwn engine wasn't designed for pvp to happpen. So I don't see how its impossible to make it a pvp and a non-pvp world. I probably just misremembered.

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Post by Knightwing4 »

IMO there should be a few newb only areas where it's no pvp, but hmm...

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Post by Sagil »

Since there's no xp penalty for being pkilled, I don't see a big problem with it. Also so far I haven't seen a malicious attitude here where higher levels alk around killing newbies. The few times where I've been pkilled by high levels were by accident (area spells) and the killers were very nice and even gave me some coin for the "inconvienience" which helped me out a lot. :D
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