Contacting Developer for Account Help

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Contacting Developer for Account Help

Post by Rowsdower »


Updatedmy old PC, which used windows xp, to a new pc which uses windows 7 (7.1 now I think). Loaded NWN (number one), Shadows of Undrentide and Hoardes of Underdark. I also loaded NWNEnglish1.69HotUUpdates. I tried playing the offline version of the game and it played well. I can direct connect to the server and login. After selecting a toon, the screen goes black like it usually does before starting play.
Instead of being on a map screen I get booted entirely out of the game.

After some Q&A on the TCNC Guild Board it seems that I have a CD Key issue which does coincide with what scant memories I have when I 1st installed NWN, many years ago. I believe I may have crossed up the CD keys using HoT for the original NWN CD install or some combination of the three keys.

I was told I should contact a Developer to see if they could put the "/disablesecurity" into my old account, since I am unable to login with that account. While this would allow anyone to log in, it would also allow me to grab items and gear off the old account.

Is this something that a Developer can do?


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Re: Contacting Developer for Account Help

Post by Korr »

Create a new character on the account, and it will have the appropriate cd-key information. The developers should be able to use that and change your other characters so that you dont have to disablesecurity on them. (I believe this is possible at least).
Amoenotep wrote:korr is the greatest :(

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Re: Contacting Developer for Account Help

Post by Rowsdower »

Created a new toon on the old account and was able to login. Toon name "Test Login".

How do I contact developer to get their assistance?

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Re: Contacting Developer for Account Help

Post by Ajantis. »

Temet Nosce

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