Is it acceptable to trade RL resources for IG resources?

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Delisha Zrazorian
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Is it acceptable to trade RL resources for IG resources?

Post by Delisha Zrazorian »

Is it acceptable to trade RL resources for IG resources?

For instance…

I Want: + 4 books (Str / Dex / Con / Wiz / Int

I have to trade:

Various lengths and widths of seasoned Black Cherry 5/4 to 3 inches rough cut
Also seasoned 5/4 Ash, Beach, Hickory and Maple.

An accomplished woodworker, I would also be willing to craft you something unique in my shop using the above lumber.

A metal artist, I also create one-of-a-kinds, specializing in copper chimes, large bells and sundials.

“Link to pics would go here”

Is this cool? Or not… :shock:


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Re: Is it acceptable to trade RL resources for IG resources?

Post by Shadowalker »

Ohhh just reading about that fine lumber gets Twig all randy.

Actually I grew up in my Grandfathers wood shop, he was born in the USA just after his parents imagrated from Germany, and then 18 years later fought them during WWII. But his skill with wood and dowel was well known in our half of the state. Good memories, and lessons I still use to this day.
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Re: Is it acceptable to trade RL resources for IG resources?

Post by LinuxPup »

Heh, I'll let Tep field this one... :wink:
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Re: Is it acceptable to trade RL resources for IG resources?

Post by Amoenotep »

gonna go on the side of cautionary and say no...i don't think i would approve of this.
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Re: Is it acceptable to trade RL resources for IG resources?

Post by mining »

Well, on a legal point, its acceptable provided that you agree that it is merely a "I scratch your back, you scratch mine" standpoint.
On a "will this ruin the in game economy" note, well, that depends on how many people really want to trade amazing goods for +4 books. Both are rare commodities :lol: .
Finally, there is no way to tell, ever, if someone did do this. It could just be seen as a "Oh, man, you win THAT bet... Here's your +4 book" and an "Oh man, you win THIS bet... here's your unique carving. I lean with many on this type of issue, i.e. if there is regulation as to what/when/how, then there is less likely to be 'wink wink nudge nudge' stuff going on behind the scenes.
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Re: Is it acceptable to trade RL resources for IG resources?

Post by Ajantis. »

Actually I do think it has happened before, I dont remember who or for what, but the scenario sounds familar to me for some reason.
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Re: Is it acceptable to trade RL resources for IG resources?

Post by Rufio »

i don't doubt that bioware may have put something in the agreement that you accept when you first install the game that purchasing in-game goods is illegal, similar to how ns4 can't legally profit off of the server.
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Re: Is it acceptable to trade RL resources for IG resources?

Post by Alkapwn »

I don't see anything wrong with "Donations" or "Gifts". Assuming you gift among friends it would be a totally private matter not to be regulated or policed by anyone but the party's involved.
A certain risk would be involved with anyone you didn't have total trust with, for there could be no repercussions to any "gift exchange" gone awry.
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Re: Is it acceptable to trade RL resources for IG resources?

Post by Amoenotep »

and not to be brought to the boards or the like....your personal business is your personal business
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Re: Is it acceptable to trade RL resources for IG resources?

Post by Bargeld »

In all my years online, one major lesson to be shared with others would be:

Your online identity contains an inherent amount of anonymity from the start. Once you reveal personal information to others, you can never take it back. Sharing names, physical addresses, or other personal/contact information anywhere online (on website profiles, through IM's, IRC, in-game chats, etc) releases it into the wilds of the interwebs... and there are a lot of untamed beast out there. A good rule to live by (in this topic, in-game, and in r/l) is to always consider the source.

And I 100% agree with Tep... this should not be a publicly discussed topic, either on forums, or in-game on shouts, etc.
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Re: Is it acceptable to trade RL resources for IG resources?

Post by TheEdge »

Delisha Zrazorian wrote:Tis clearly not acceptable

now I know and that's why I asked :D

thank you for your responses...

at your service,
DZ :twisted:

I believe the consensus here should be as follows:

The staff and other partners are unable to condone, support, or moderate the private actions of our player base. Acts as expressed above will not be monitored nor will discussion boards be provided contained within the BioWare forums pursuant to the Neversummer Nights boards in conjunction with public or private personal agreements.

Actions/discussions that take place outside of the in-game experience or on the sanctioned discussion boards are to be completed and conducted without the express influence or assistance of the Staff or its partners.

We are not responsible for the privacy practices and policies of such third party(s) and, therefore, you should review the privacy practices and policies of such third party(s) prior to providing your personally identifiable information in connection with such products and/or services.
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Re: Is it acceptable to trade RL resources for IG resources?

Post by Amoenotep »

TheEdge wrote:BioWare forums pursuant to the Neversummer Nights boards in conjunction with public or private personal agreements.

Neversummer Nights? been drinking again?
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Re: Is it acceptable to trade RL resources for IG resources?

Post by Lokey »

For a cedar/metal halfogre you can have anything you want :) You guys are so serious.

Yes, playing NS is the standard at will non-marketability, non-warranty, non-fitness we're in no way responsible for anything deal. Bioware EULA expresses a few wishes from the Bio legal dept: decompiling for certain uses (some recent US law changed some of this), a right to redistribute things made for the game and released to public at large (without expression of ownership of same, because that'd be really stupid legally: Bioware does not want to be responsible for someone putting Mickey Mouse into game--Disney would leave a smoking crater where they used to be), and of course using the game in some for-profit manner. Canada's even more a liberal wasteland than the US in many respects, but the law is a [censored] too, and this is probably the type of thing to make a judge yawn. Some day we'll live in the kind of fascist utopia where Bioware/EA/Atari/Hasbro/etc would own something like NS entirely by default and could charge you to connect to servers we run gratis, etc, but that day isn't here yet :)

However, I'd find it unacceptable for reasons listed by others above. Involving RL with the anonymous douches you game with that you don't already know in RL is probably a bad idea. If you don't think so, we can send chase to visit :)
Tep wrote:I login and there's a dwarf to kill. You can't ask for much more than that.
Alkapwn wrote:NC has the most amazing melee build there is. Its a friggin unstopable juggernaut of pain.

Delisha Zrazorian
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Re: Is it acceptable to trade RL resources for IG resources?

Post by Delisha Zrazorian »

Tis clearly not acceptable

now I know and that's why I asked :D

thank you for your responses...

at your service,
DZ :twisted:
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Re: Is it acceptable to trade RL resources for IG resources?

Post by Twiggy »

AND it's just a game.

A plus 4 book is not worth any amount of RL money. Unless you have spare lying around, in which case I we can speak about a special Twiggy fund I have set up :)
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