DM/Dev Harassment

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DM/Dev Harassment

Post by psibertiger14 »

We seem to be having an issue. A DM/Dev that refuses to make himself/herself know has been banning and generally harassing all of Neil420's toons they can find. Things like banning while holding a relic for no reason, porting him to areas he can't leave or die for no reason, and no matter what said DM/Dev will not so much as say one reason why. We are starting to get screen shots now to make an official complaint. This is a giant pile of childish crap and whoever is doing it knows it. What kind of nut-less wonder won't ever respond as to why they are pulling this crap? If there is an issue then tell neil420 what it is. Are you perhaps angry he beat the snot out of some toon you were on and are spiteful? I am sure the standard response is going to be "we need screen shots to do anything..." even though this rarely actually helps I and others will be happy to provide them. I wanted to get this out in the open because it is utter nonsense and whoever is pulling it knows it. So whats it going to be, going to man up and say what the problem is? Or maybe hide in the background like a coward.
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Re: DM/Dev Harassment

Post by Amoenotep »

if you have issues with the staff you pm them to me or email them to me. don't start a flame war of hatred :)
Mask, Lord of the Shadows
Gruumsh, One-Eye


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