Item and money banking...

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Post by Murkill »

About the banking system, I beleive that it should be implemented. And I don't think that people should always look at it in terms of realism or roleplaying, it's just something that's helping out players, making things a bit more convinient for them.

Realism isn't always fun, if I wanted realism I culd just live my life and that'd be it, but when i play a video game I just want to have some fun, and having too much of one thing can ruin it altogether.

So IMO I don't beleive that the banker should be able to be PP'ed, and instead of having him in every major city you could have in like Avendell which is neutral, and no hostile acts can be done, and there couldn't be any drow are bankers, so people can trust the banker.

Or if the devs do decide to add banks in every major town instead of allowing him to be PP'ed, maybe opposing faction members, when they are conducting a raid to lets say Neversummer for example, kill the banker (the same way you can with the shopkeepers) and just slow down the economy of the city.

So by that you have some realism and at the same time it isn't all that inconvininet for the members of LA, since the banker is going to come back after the server restarts and they haven't really lost anything.

Though personally I like the first idea better, I wouldn't mind the second one. Again I would like a banking system, but I wouldn't like it to be vunerable to PPing I think it's unecessary to something that, IMO, would be meant to help players out, then again I don't like the feature of shopkeepers closing at night.

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Post by Alanthaleous »

Sigh this post has gone the wrong way... I want some thing that can not be robbed can not be PP, bashed open, or molested in any why other then me lovingly running my hands though a horde of gold... Yes its unrealalisic... but it protects against rouges rumaging though all my HARD earned stuff... I have to kill things to get money, not lift it... And with all the bugs out there holding my next set of armor for when I lvl is crazy... I write about making it safe to store items, and you people chime in with "thats a great Idea as long as I can rob you blind"

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Post by Æ »

I totally agree with every word Murkill }: )

And, if you RPers MUST have realism, having a safe bank would not be unrealistic at all.... if there can be magic doors all over important dungeons that require specific keys or switches and cannot be picket or bashed, then there can certainly be such a thing in a thriving city half full of spellcasters
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Post by crippe13 »

a bank even just for the gold, no items allowed would still be a treat.. as for realism what is the magic 10% loss on respawn? A church tithe for bringing you back LOL?
From what I've seen of this great land so far a bank of some sort wouldn't be to unrealistic, you could even explain the major city access as mages are employed to verify funds...

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Post by Revenge »

crippe13 wrote: what is the magic 10% loss on respawn? A church tithe for bringing you back LOL?

Yes actually... RTFM :p

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Post by Æ »

yep and the xp represents a loss of "life force" (like when a wight drains you, but permanent)
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Post by Bob »

DrakhanValane wrote:So the bank can explode at inopportune times?

Nothing but viscious rumours started by communists and freemasons!

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Post by EvilIguana966 »

I stand by my pocket plane. Actually, it's a time share, so not totally mine but the other guy who gets it in the winter is pretty cool.

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Post by Alanthaleous »

Some of us do not follow the ways of a church, which are only into religion for money and access to little boys pants... I tolerate them in a game like this because of the way gods appear in the games... A priest of some god in a D&D woeld would be smited by a god if he touch a boy like that...

Do not get me wrong, I do believe in a higher plane... but, there is no ten special rules, or pearly white gates, or a pit of eturnal fire... Those are crutches of the mind to deal with the fact that when we die Life as we know it is over. When you die there is now heaven or hell... You do not remember your life, seeing as your brain (where memories are stored) is dead and you are just the energy that accesses it (the soul if you will)

hmmm now that I think of it this posts doesnt belong here... keep churches out of my posts lol. See what they do to me.

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Post by JesterOI »

Yeh a few bad apples can mar the church.
But thinking the entire church is all bad (not that i'm saying you do) is like thinking all black guys are theives and cutthroats, it just isn't true.
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Post by Alanthaleous »

what? all black guys arent thieves?

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Post by JesterOI »

(smeegle style from the movie when he says nope) NOPE!
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Post by -=Mushra=- »

well all and all good idees, some doable some aren't. but don't you think we should give the devs time to let the servers run smoothly, get lil bugs that casue major crashes to be filtered out over time? the more you put in on a systeem thats already able to crash on something small will only make it more instabile over time.

conviance can wait, its a beta your here to test in large numbers of players. there probeble will be a wipe id sya most likly, and more areas are still added to it.

so give it a brake you can mule deal with that for a while stop thining about player conviances, but more about the devs atm. there the once working there [censored] off for you people. show some compassion and respect towards that...

and god that hurts to be nice :evil:

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Post by Daltian »

I hope you guys allready figured out that my post, from the begining is posted in wrong tread. LOL.

I made a fool of myself!

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Post by junksta »

well here's an idea about the bank that totaly fits in with the realism of the world being magic and all

an NPC in a small room, kinda like a footman or something that transports you magicaly to a larger room where the bank actualy is, with more npc's where u can store items and gold,

then another npc can transport you back to the small room

and the best part of this is that npc will be hostile to anyone not in ur faction so its impossible for an enemy faction to even get inside the bank
so impossible to rob the bank, unless someone in ur own faction does it,

sure they COULD kill the npc and slow down the banking process, which would be pointless

sorry TGPO but you talk about a bank that should be able to be robbed
well in reality stores should be able to be robbed too and items stolen
but as it is if u try to walk out of the store without paying for an item the item gets returned

the bank idea is good and definitly something worth lookin into, adds to the realism too, and it shouldnt be too hard to create player banking accounts in game

i seen some other mods do it
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