Nuub questions...

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Mining monk8
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Re: Nuub questions...

Post by Mining monk8 »

unimar wrote:
7) Damage Resistance... What is the difference on immunties and resistances on items? And why do they sometime be displayed twice like 20% immunity vs blunt and just below it reads 5% immunity vs blunt.
Immunity means that if you get hit for damage of that type you take (for 20% mmunity)20% less damage. For resistance, you take the number less damage.

i.e. Mr. Angry, wearing armour with immunity 20% to bludgeoning and resistance 20 to bludgeoning gets hit for 50 damage bludgeoning.
His immunity absorbs 20% of that (10), then his reduction takes 20 more, and he only takes 20 damage.

If he got hit for, say, 500 bludgeoning damage his immunity would absorb 100 damage, and his resistance would absorb 20, for only 380 total damage.

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Re: Nuub questions...

Post by Rufio »

It's important to know that immunities stack, but resistances don't.
Sebastian (TSS) Doc - Rufio of (TSS) - Dagr (TSS)
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Re: Nuub questions...

Post by Korr »

Rufio wrote:It's important to know that immunities stack, but resistances don't.
Not 100% true... Immunities ALWAYS stack is correct. Differing resistances that qualify WILL stack. Meaning (well take previous example):

Mr Whoever had 20% bludg immunity and 20/- bludg resistance, lets ALSO give him 9/- DR in general (epic DR, DwD, Barbar type DR).

That 50 points of damage is 10 off (20% immunity), 20 off (bludg) and 9 off (/- DR) for a total of 11 damage dealt to him.
The 500 points of damge is 100 off (20% immunity, 20 off (bludg) and 9 off (/- DR) for a total of 371 damage dealth to him.
Amoenotep wrote:korr is the greatest :(


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Re: Nuub questions...

Post by Rufio »

well, yeah, i just got lazy in my post.
Sebastian (TSS) Doc - Rufio of (TSS) - Dagr (TSS)
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