Item and money banking...

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Post by dond »

having a bank is a good idea....just for gold though

should have 1 in each major city, and allies can use the other cities' bank.

no, they shouldn't be able to be robbed, but i suppose you can kill the npc if you want..

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Post by JesterOI »

They should be able to be robbed, but they should also have insurance so it's a victimless crime ;)
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Post by Æ »

LOL, then you'd start seeing cases of insurance freud, and bank robberies set up by inside traitors }: ) (ex:"lets help the drow get into neversummer and rob the bank, and we'll take a share of the loot")

A big rich adventurer who can afford to buy a house (rather than sleeping in the barracks), while he could have his house robbed by rogues, could also afford to hire several dozen henchmen/guards to defend his home, ralisitically speaking. In real D&D an lvl 15 fighter would already be building an army, and perhaps even a fortress, and has plenty of loyal soldiers working for him that he could station a few at his home to defend it, and still take a bodyguard henchman and a whole unit of troops with him whereever he went. If a rogue could rob my house, then I want my own loyal troops to defend it }: ) (or i'll just keep making mules.) No offence or anything TG, but you only considering a small part of the equasion.

And a bank would have alot of guards too, and in a town like Garagoth or Menzoduran, at least, there would be plenty of magical defenses in placem as well, realistically, such as traps and magic (unpick-able) locks
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Post by TGPO »

Oh I didnt fail to consider it. I would have thought by now that the faction raids we have seen would have proved that guards can be defeated. And taking the victimless crime theory into it, we would then have to factor in increased prices as a form of recouping the losses. Its called taxes, but its still just another form of theft and you end up loosing money still.

If you dont want to be PP'd adjust your builds, If you cant stand to live without every single piece of equipment that you have run across (no offense here ladies) go look at your wifes shoe collection and give a good hard thought about packrat mentalities.

Again though just my opinions, and as we all know, I'm nuts.
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Post by Æ »

Well the main point was not so much the guards as the magic locks that can't be picked, or need a key, which would easily and effectively make it impossible to break in, even with a knock spell }: )

And a rich character can afford to hire some gnome to put such a lock on his home as well

Though, if we were going to be totally realistic, a mage could just blow a hole in a wall and walk in... but i guess the walls could be enchanted too
(destructable walls would be cool, like in Nexagon: Deathmatch, a game where you can destroy anything lol... maybe they'll put that in NWN2, along with heights and depths [falling in holes, knocking enemies back off a cliff, jumping and summersaulting feats, levitation/flying spells... functional PC wings and flying dragons with "divebomb" and wing buffet knockbacks] I hope, I hope lol) }: )
Last edited by Æ on Tue May 04, 2004 9:01 pm, edited 5 times in total.
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Post by Bob »

TGPO wrote: Would you trust your money to a Drow?

Thats why the gnomes should run the NS4 banking system, damnit! :lol:

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Post by DrakhanValane »

Bob wrote:
TGPO wrote: Would you trust your money to a Drow?

Thats why the gnomes should run the NS4 banking system, damnit! :lol:

So the bank can explode at inopportune times?
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Post by bongoblue »

Hmm. Even Ragnorak mmorpg had a bank system. The player character paid 90 gold to store or retrieve an item. Other players couldn't access anyone else's bank. You could store about 45 items, including weapons, armor, potions, gold.

It was acessible from any city.

I would love to see such an item available here.

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Post by Æ »

Lol yeah, malfunctioning evil gnomish banking machines from hell take over neversummer }: P
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Post by EvilIguana966 »

Who wants a lockbox? They can be robbed. Same with banks. Useless. I'll take my very own pocket plane thankyouverymuch.

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Post by Æ »

Lol I remember those... remember the portable holes? two dimentional round black circle you could stick your arm into like it was a hole in space and sotre all your stuff into your own small demiplane in the ethereal plane }: )
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Post by Lil Rose »

For all those who are paranoid that a Rogue is going to come and PP all their best gear, there is a new script in place that prevent Rogue's (or anyone with PP) from PPing anything too heavy. The heaviest thing i've PPed was 39GP.

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Post by RunarSterk »

Lil Rose wrote:For all those who are paranoid that a Rogue is going to come and PP all their best gear, there is a new script in place that prevent Rogue's (or anyone with PP) from PPing anything too heavy. The heaviest thing i've PPed was 39GP.

I hope it's scaled somehow. I can understand that it may be tough for an average rogue to pick a two-handed greatsword off my barbarian without me noticing, but I kind of like the idea that a skilled enough rogue could find a way to do it somehow. Seems fun. Leads to all sorts of cool RP possibilities, I think.
In the interests of disclosure, I play the dumb fighter type who's going to get the short-end in this situation.
I suppose issues of balance come into play.. maybe limit the heavy item exception to characters within 5 levels of each other, or something, or give it a very tough success rate, or both?)

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Post by Æ »

Well the only purpose for pickpocketing someone who's lower level is to grief them... the ONLY reason... plainly and simply put, if they're weaker, they don't have anything that's valuable to you, so the only point would be to take something away from them
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Post by RunarSterk »

Æ wrote:Well the only purpose for pickpocketing someone who's lower level is to grief them... the ONLY reason... plainly and simply put, if they're weaker, they don't have anything that's valuable to you, so the only point would be to take something away from them

I guess, but I don't see why all PP must be looked at as being solely for the PPers benefit. Maybe I hired a rogue to steal something from an enemy of mine. The rogue in question might be a couple levels higher than the target. In this case I don't see that as griefing at all. Nice RP feel to it, in my opinion.


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