AOE Questions

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AOE Questions

Post by Draven »

PvP settings
Spells will effect what you can target (i.e. don't have to be hostile first), friendly fire for area effects.
Two quick questions:

1. Does this rule apply to melee PBAOEs such as whirling attacks?

2. Is this rule open for discussion? I understand that it may have been implemeneted to add to realism, but (imho) it simply restricts AOE classes. A good majority of Sorceror and Wizard damage spells are AOE centric and this rule would very often tie their hands behind their backs.
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Post by DrakhanValane »

2. Power has a price. Fireballs are stronger than Daggers, but you have to be more careful.

1. Whirlwind attack isn't a spell.
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Post by Joran »

DV summed it up pretty well. As in all things, we of course will re-examine the policy if player discussion shows it's not working well.

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Post by Knightwing4 »

i agree with the idea, i also think, however, that with a large disadvantage of this, that perhaps it might be a good idea to counter it with a damage increase compared to how NWN implemented it

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Post by lord_modred »

if you dont want to hurt yourslef with your spells, you've got three options...

1) learn the radius of the spells... learn how far you have to cast out to hit the enemy and not yourself.

2)cast protection spells like energy buffer on yourself to absorb the back lash(of course this wont work with nega damage spells or horrid)

3) cast spell absorbtion spells on youself... it takes a while to get through those spell mantles...

by the way, will chain lightning come back and hit the caster if their too close?
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Post by Draven »

Thanks for the replies. It's not myself I am worried about hurting or the people in my party. It's faction members.
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Post by DrakhanValane »

I think that only indiscriminate AOE like Fireball and ice storm and their kin will hit you and your party. Fire Brand and Chain Lightning won't zap you. I haven't played a mage in beta in a while so I'm not 100% sure on them though.
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Post by Throst54 »

well, this will downpower mages, tho, they need to be...

b/c in lower powered server they are a huge power w/o AoE effecting everythign in the AoE

or you can have all the ppl you run around with be monks and rogues so they can just evade the dmg...
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