Spell Modifications/Adjustments

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Spell Modifications/Adjustments

Post by kgb »

I notice the changes in the log with respect to some spells and was thinking some other spells could do with a tweaking to encourage more players to use them.

Negative Energy Ray caps at 5d6 at 9 level. Perhaps this could be extended to cap at 10d6 at 19th.
Aready was changed to that
Sound Burst is 1d8 with 2 round stun. Perhaps make this a 1d8 + caster level with 2 round stun. (Not sure if this is possibe)
Bombardment caps at 10d8 at 10+ levels. Perhaps this could be extended to cap at 15d8 at 15+ or 20d8 at 20+
Capped at 20 now and has divine/fire damage
I think the changes made to other spells like magic missile are great for the server because it allows players to mix up their spellbooks and take some less used and less effective low level spells at higher levels that can aid in combat.

Feel free to add other spell suggestions.
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Post by CrazyJ »

Negative Energy Ray caps at 5d6 at 9 level. Perhaps this could be extended to cap at 10d6 at 19th.

Searing Light would need to be similarly boosted.
It already has been

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Post by -BannyD- »

Circle of Doom - scale damage similar to ice storm, 1d6 per 3 caster levels or something. this is a higher level spell than neg energy burst...but much much worse. also it should not be party friendly, just like ice storm...give caster clerics something else to use :)
Will take a look
Sunburst - lengthen blind duration (or restore the perma-blind), scale dmg similar to Sunbeam. this is WoF with little damage, higher spell level, smaller AoE, and a save. if WoF is to stay the same, buff this so it is useable :)
Capped at 20 but blinds undead for 20 rounds
Invisibility Purge - change to an aura lasting 1round per caster level. removes any invisiblity the caster has and any invisibility that enemies have as they walk into it. possibly dispellable with gust of wind.
Probably not :)
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Post by MLoki »

Earthquake is still not up to par and could possibly use a KD related to it. After using Firestorm and Earthquake side by side I usually get more damage out of Firestorm. Earthquake is averaging at about 70 points of damage against rats even when they fail the save. It isn't party friendly and rarely does anything in epic areas.
Cap raised to 20 and does KD

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Post by CrazyJ »

Can ye make Sunburst Empowerable? :)
It does check for any metamagic feats
Creeping Doom would be almost decent if it were party-friendly... or heck if it even ignored the caster.
Nope :D
Implosion doesn't seem to do any damage if someone fails the save :(
Just like wail insta death win/loose nothing else

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Post by Binkyuk »

Right then - Flesh to Stone:
It's half way between Death Magic and Hold Person. The easiest way to change it without doing anything whacky would be to change it to be one of those two.

Personally my vote is to change it to a paralysis spell, as there currently is no paralyse with a Fort save, so it'd be unique, while there are plenty of Death spells that save on Fort.

It'd bypass paralysis and stun immunities obviously. The trick would be to make it counterable only by Stone to Flesh but not by Remove Paralysis etc. Doable?
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Post by Carnaugh »

Good to see Blade Thirst was improved, but is the duration still 1/Round per level? If so its likely still not very useful except for the highest level Rangers with nothing better to do! It should have durations similar to Flame Blade/Dark Fire/Greater Magic Weapon.
Thirst is 1turn level
Also I see Awaken was made to work on Summons, what about Magic Fang?
Fnag and GFang work on summons now

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Post by algol333 »

well im sure this has been discussed but while on the subject of mages...

a SLIGHT increase to dmg shields would be sweet OR keep the low dmg the same but allow stacking of them.....just a suggestion feel free to flame away....
Change has been made
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Post by P. Fricebottle »

Woops, meant Magic Circle vs. Alignment. That was a mix-up, Aura vs. Alignment works just fine.
Circle lasts round/lvl extendable

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Post by JesterOI »

Ethereal Visage duration also sucks to the point of uselessness.

The duration could possibly make sense if the mage didn't have a limited amount of spells/day.

Why would I spend a spell slot on a buff that ends after 2 turns? Especially Ethereal Visage which is only barely useful in the first 20.
Changed for focusing casters
Last edited by JesterOI on Sat Nov 25, 2006 2:42 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Lorkar1 »

Can you take a look at Scintillating Sphere and see if it might be possible to raise the cap?
Maybe from 10d6 to 15d6 or so.
Its a nice spell since electrical immunity isnt all that common.
Thanks in advance
Cap raised for focused casters

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Post by P. Fricebottle »

Greater Sanctuary seems kinda useless, each creature gets to make a will save that you pass up so it rarely works anywhere. The only people it would be useful on in PvP would be low-will save characters like rogues, barbarians, etc. And these guys don't usually have access to See Invisibility anyway, so you're honestly better off just going with improved invisibility with 50% concealment.
Some options are being looked at, a lot of different possibilities

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Post by CrazyJ »

SS is pretty good; my sorc uses it instead of Fireball. Smaller AOE can be a good thing if you're with a party and can target well.

Cone of Cold, Mestil's Acid Breath, and Ice Storm are non-party friendly and thus pretty much useless. AOE damage spells that are not party friendly need to have the damage bumped up quite a bit to make them worth the risk, or they won't be used.

As mentioned earlier, the damage shields need a boost.

Better stats on shapechange/polymorph spells from Transmutation focus would be nice.
Shields look above, all forms were adjusted

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Post by Binkyuk »

Binkyuk wrote:i'd suggest Greater Sanctuary be turned into a *very* short lasting invis (5 rounds or so), and 0.5r/l 50% concealment.
that'd reduce the overwhelming reliance on trickery domain and mix it up a bit. trickery will still be good enough by giving 'travel' invis and concealment while gsanc would essentially be a combat cast, and at a higher spell level. it'll just be downgraded from 'absolute necessity' to 'very nice to have'.

this wouldn't make it attractive to wiz/sorcs, (as they always get imp invis) but it could be made useful to them by adding damage reduction or another defensive benefit (probably dodge ac) with focus in transmutation (which most clerics won't bother with, but mages probably would) - basically a level 7 version of ethereal visage.

edit: possibly change the spell school to Illusion too if this is done. Illusion focus is quite underused right now (think of the poor gnomes!).

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Post by Dynmi »

I was thinking, however I doubt its possible, but is there any way that if the grease spell is exposed to a fire type spell it can be turned into like a fire wall type thing?
Interesting idea maybe some looking into before deciding
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