how to build a char 101

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how to build a char 101

Post by MasterYoda »

ok this thread can be locked if needed.

If u need help building a char pm me.

I am so tired of people trying to get everything nerfed so if u want help, even if u are my enimy in game, pm me I would rather help u than have u scream on the forums about how something is unbeatable.

thanks for your time,

TGPO wrote:Man, dont u hate it when yoda is right

Amoenotep wrote:yeah....he's a little right :(


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Post by Kromix »

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TGPO wrote: Call me a nazi all you want [...] it wont change the way I approach things.

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Post by Tinsicka »

Now that sounds like an offer a new player to the server like me can't pass up!

Expect a pm from me soon, and thanks. :)

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Post by Kirg »

Hm, learn them to know first as players, and I think you will better look elsewhere for support. They aren't known for their help or patience, you know?

This thread is just a whining signal to the whining of other players which don't like to lose to our two prominent players :D.

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Post by kingfatzo »

Kirg wrote:
This thread is just a whining signal to the whining of other players which don't like to lose to our two prominent players :D.

thats almost as bad as the department of redundancy department :lol:
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Post by P. Fricebottle »

I agree with Fatz :lol: .

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Post by Metis »

If some of the vets here want to help new people building due to the uniqueness of NS4 I think its great lets just keep this thread constructive no complaints of classes just suggestions that help our new visitors.
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Post by MasterYoda »

exactly feel free to delete spam please mettis.
TGPO wrote:Man, dont u hate it when yoda is right

Amoenotep wrote:yeah....he's a little right :(


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Post by Kirg »

Ok, to the big gurus out there. Whatya think about this?

Wizard 26 Dwarven Defender 14.

Take as many feats for intelligence, max, emp., ext, stilled or silent, different sf on necro, evoc and conj if possible. Some epic spells, the needed feats for DD. Maybe epic toughness, but combat casting and the impr. one arent really needed. Fill the rest if there is some space still with whatever you like more.

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Post by Binkyuk »

dammit. i was going to do that one.
It should be half decent, but the early levels will be hellish 'cos you can't take DD until level 15, but you don't want to have >13 dex 'cos you'll be wearing full plate later. You get HA and shield from DD, so this build makes a good auto-still.
I personally think you've gone a bit mad on the DD levels. I guess the DR will be nice once you face weapons that can pierce your stoneskin, premonition etc though. Personally I was thinking of 2 or 4 pre-epic for BAB, armour proficiencies, saves and discipline, ending with 6 DD levels total.

I took silent spell on my first couple of wizards and have never ever found a use for it. it *might* come in handy as a sorc 'cos you can use it spontaneously, but as a wizard you have to mem spells, and the chance of needing a silent spell is so tiny it's never worth it. Silence is a level 2 spell with a will save, so the chances of you ever being silenced are spectacularly low.

You only really need one of empower or max, not really both IMO. Wail has no somatic component, so definitely go for necro focus 'cos you'll be able to cast it even before you get auto-still.

Apparently you can spellcast while in Defensive Stance (don't take that as gospel though), so you won't suffer the usual DD problem of people just backing away and shooting them 'cos you can still smite them with spells. Whether Stance will be better than running around while hasted, i have no idea.

Anyway, this is Havok's thread so i'll keep quiet now.

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Post by Kirg »

It isn't. Actually it's DD's board, thus nvm Havok and Kromix. And you're right still before silent. But I wrote you should take one of the both. Max AND Emp. absolutely, you have to be flexible as a wizard. Thus those two feats give you the possibility to have a variety of spells from different casting lvls.
I knew I had forgotten something, if you plan to go heavy armour and shield, which isn't a must with a DD, take Autostill like mentioned of course. But then less DD lvls too.
Hm about the DD lvls, I don't take them only for DR but for HP too. Every caster knows how important that is. And 14 DD lvls gives you a huge amount of HP.
26lvls of Wizard might seem a bit low. But Im confident that in a party you do well. And you dont get sneaked while casting, you have something similar to uncanny dodge and with epic spells you should do well. Just remember to take the wizard lvls in epic when the common feats come :).

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Post by -BannyD- »

considering most sneak attacks will come from SD' will get sneaked while casting and they will get an extra attack off since you do not have improved combat casting.
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Post by Kirg »

Well SDs will have to cope with all the Area effects I should be intelligent enough to cast. As soon as I see a save on my battle window, Wail :). If it works the better, if not, well, a lot of HP should help getting over a few sneaks. But youre right of course. Then again you can't make a build which guarantees a success against everything.

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Post by Binkyuk »

Banny does make a good point actually, though not specifically about sneaks. This may actually be one of the incredibly few builds where imp combat casting is a good feat, as you'll be in defensive stance and unable to run away, and unable to use defensive casting mode.

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Post by MasterYoda »

I never said these were my forums :)

sounds decent but banny is right with the combatcasting.

ur not going to be running so u want to be as powerfull as possible while staying stationairy.
TGPO wrote:Man, dont u hate it when yoda is right

Amoenotep wrote:yeah....he's a little right :(



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