Strengthening fighters v. casters

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Post by MasterYoda »

Elagneros wrote:
MasterYoda wrote:I know what would solve everyones problems here !!!!!!!!

JOIN A GUILD! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
Yeah, the Brethren is always open to potential recruits, but if you want to join a real guild ..... =kSt= is based out of AO go talk to them.
Elangeros is right .......

Man i cant believe i said that the world is comming to an end !
TGPO wrote:Man, dont u hate it when yoda is right
Amoenotep wrote:yeah....he's a little right :(

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Post by Kromix »

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TGPO wrote: Call me a nazi all you want [...] it wont change the way I approach things.

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Post by Shieldcracker »

AggieDan wrote:I think, though, that you may be focusing too much on the PvP aspect of the server and not the PvM aspect. And that is where you are limiting yourself.
I don't mean to be flippant, but the name of the thread is "Strengthening fighters v. casters" - we're necessarily focusing on the PvP aspect. I'm well aware (and quite thankful) that the Amazons were geared to be overly hard on certain kinds of casters - when I level in the Ice Giant caves, I never fail to see a Necro at least five levels too high farming the bosses, because he can't handle the Amazons. Certainly there are more than a few instances where a tank just handles himself better than a caster. But we're discussing what happens when they are focusing on each other in this thread.
Kromix wrote:on pvp its normally 1v1 2v2 ish... the caster can dump the whole book and be at top, but noe that as soo as offencive spells are gone, he is just a buffed sitting duck and 90% of the time will run away
Yes, Kromix, when a caster runs out of spells, he will run. The problem is that a caster runs out of spells by casting them: maybe even on someone who ends up dead as a result. If it were as simple as waiting around for a wizard to run out of spells, this wouldn't be an issue.

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Post by NS Slayer »

monsters may not be perfect but the thought is group vs group or monster my personal thought casters should need the fighters some. times you cant find a safe place to rest when your spells run out and when you do... better have a friend to guard your sleep :x
The healing hand or killing blow, how will Slayer make your day?

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Post by Dociere »

Just like a wizard needs to prepare his spell ahead of time and know which spells to prepare for the oncoming battle, so do fighters need to prepare their gear ahead of time and use the right potions, resist gear, and bonuses to do battle as well. A wizard can't beat you if he can't get through your defenses, and it takes about as many spells to take you out (excluding wails and such) as it does swings with your weapon to take the mage out. You gotta get through his defenses just as he has to get through yours, and mages can have as hard a time with that as a fighter can if you're prepped right. If you think you're just gonna run up to a mage and bop him on the head once or twice and have it end there, well that's almost as funny as him tryin to do the same thing to you without spells or buffs.

He has bigsby? You have knockdown. He has wail? Buff your fort save. He has ii? Why are you goin after a wizard without being able to see invisibility? He has stoneskin? Knock his arse down and hit him! He has Dragon Knight? RUN!!! Come back in 20 rounds. Wizards get tired of people running as much as anyone else and will eventually make a mistake like not summoning that creature to defend him. Their spells will eventually run out and they may try to rest because now they're out of spells, and that's about the time you come running back weapons ablazing hungry for some mage blood.

Does that sound rediculous? Well I've done it a few times on other servers. Maybe I'll eventually get in a fighter making mood and do it on this one. If you think mages are powerful here, you should play some PnP.

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Post by Death Dealer1 » necro mage can tank any plain fighter of the same lvl toe to toe....try it sometime its great for a laugh.
if i didn't do it...someone else would have.

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Post by MasterYoda »

LOL ive seen it .... funny as hell
TGPO wrote:Man, dont u hate it when yoda is right
Amoenotep wrote:yeah....he's a little right :(

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Post by LinuxPup »

Bigby's and KD are nowhere near equals.... Bigby's is very long distance, and the strength checks are kinda silly IMO... for example, a rogue using a bigby scroll to take down a strength baesd build...

I say this both as a melee builder and as one with a pure lvl 32 sorc.... I had no trouble taking out a certain high lvl RDD strength based build with one bigby's... then I whittled him down with igms and GR.

The way I see it, Bigby's should work wonders on dexers, and should be next to useless vs. a strength build (like say a str of 32+), but its far from that right now... I like the idea of a mage being brutal in a group and vulnerable by himself...

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Post by MasterYoda »

LinuxPup wrote:Bigby's and KD are nowhere near equals.... Bigby's is very long distance, and the strength checks are kinda silly IMO... for example, a rogue using a bigby scroll to take down a strength baesd build...

I say this both as a melee builder and as one with a pure lvl 32 sorc.... I had no trouble taking out a certain high lvl RDD strength based build with one bigby's... then I whittled him down with igms and GR.

The way I see it, Bigby's should work wonders on dexers, and should be next to useless vs. a strength build (like say a str of 32+), but its far from that right now... I like the idea of a mage being brutal in a group and vulnerable by himself...
Im not sure who u tried this on but i have had a level 30 rdd with str 32 and i rarely fell to bigsbies......
TGPO wrote:Man, dont u hate it when yoda is right
Amoenotep wrote:yeah....he's a little right :(

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Post by JesterOI »

I've noticed a big difference between 2 similar builds.
My RDD fighter has 40 str and when hit with bigbies it's 50% chance of being kd'd.
My RDD barb on the other hand, that is 6 or 7 levels lower with the same str is almost never hit by bigbies...

What's up with that?
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Post by Death Dealer1 »

my PM doesn't fall as often as other chars do.

p.s. i killed a cleric and fighter with no buffs, bigby, or igms(when it was 120/target)
if i didn't do it...someone else would have.

P. Fricebottle
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Post by P. Fricebottle »

I'm speaking on behalf on all dex'ers out there, that it would really help if it was possible to make a reflex save to get out of the way of the bigsby hand and not have to suffer it. Of course, the DC would have to be high but otherwise...heck....we're screwed. If my halfling even gets bigsbied once, hes out of the fight for a LONG TIME. I've only broken the grasp 3 times (lucky eh?), and otherwise I can't move and am instantly killed by mages. I know this is Bioware's fault for lack of balance (I heard that the ability to break the grasp was actually added on by the Devs), but bigsbies pwn period.

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Post by Celorn »

Here's simple idea that could help out melee types (and many others):

Allow SPELL MANTLE POTS to be crafted/brewed -- they drop afterall, why can't you brew them? (or am i doing something wrong?) scrolls can be made, but by the time you read one -- you're dead.

Also, if that can be done, why not also throw in wisdom potions too with craftability.

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Mr. O'Dearly
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Post by Mr. O'Dearly »

I think a reason why mantle pots aren't brewable is that they make you pretty much invulnerable towards mages. Sure one or two pots you happen to find are useful for holding off the mage for a bit, but when they're craftable what happens when the fighter just happens to be carrying... say 100 of them. There's no way the mage is ever gonna hit him with anything. The pots are meant to be a temporary defense, not unlimited invulnerablitiy.

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Post by Dociere »

Something you're forgetting about the whole bigsby vs kd thing is that bigsbys can at max be cast twice in a round, assuming the mage is high enough lvl to cast quickened spells, otherwise one bigsby per round. You can knockdown as many times as you can attack. If they're not knocked down the first time, then they got 3 more comin at em.

Also the necro build is mentioned above is probably a multi class character. If you're going to argue about fighter vs wizard then you gotta stick to core classes. If you're gettin into multi classing then you can definately make plenty of multi class characters that can go toe to toe with a mage of any build. A mage can't cast a spell at someone he can't see who'd hiding, then the range of a knockdown doesn't matter AND you have multiple knockdowns before he can get his first slow spell off. Time it right and he might not even be buffed. Easy kill then.


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